03: Truth?

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Maia's PoV:

"I.. I have to tell you something."

I didn't say anything but waited for him to tell me. His hands let go of me to scratch his arms, "Wait.. not like this." He muttered under his breath and spread his legs while looking at me.

I pull my eyebrows together in confusion, not knowing what he's trying but he surely wished I would.

He then tapped between his legs with a slight innocent smile, "It's hard to tell you when you look at me that way."

I chuckled and leaned my back against his chest so he could swing his arms around my waist while his face was resting on my shoulder, "Okay," he breathes out and his heartbeat slowed down a little.

"You know I never was like.. mentally the healthiest..?" He starts and I just nodded, didn't know what to expect to hear from him now, "I just wanted to talk to you about that."

I nod again, feeling helpless, "You can tell me everything," I let him know and he softly kissed my neck in response, whispering an I know.

I smiled.

His arms tightened around my waist a little more to press our bodies closer, "I found out that my dad now is dead."

"What?!" I jump in my spot and turn around. He didn't look sad, he looked empty which I found not normal at all. I mean, yes he hated him but at the end of the day.. he was Justin's dad, "When did you find out?"

"I don't know. Quite some time.. whatever that isn't the point-"

"That should be a point? How did you find out? Why didn't you tell me right away? I always asked you if you're okay but you never told me anything!"

"He apparently had a heart attack after we left." He answers.

My eyes water in direct respond. Feeling those horrible, heavy emotions on my chest whilst I close my eyes to get away from the view which traumatised me to this day,"Apparently?"

He nods.

I add, "How?"

His hazel brown eyes stare at my dark brown ones, loosing its emptiness to guilt as he leaned his head aside, "Are you crying?"

I shake my head, "No."

"But you have tears in your eyes."

I blink couple of times, wondering if he's alright since my teary eyes make him sadder than his father's death, "Justin.. are you.. alright?"


"No? You can't be?" I almost argue and grab him by his shoulder, "You have to feel something. Pain? Anger? Anything?" I count and tap around his chest as if feelings would be shown after every touch.

"I feel empty when it comes to my dad."

"But generally?" I dig deeper to at least get out some emotions out of him.

"Other than that I feel nothing but love for you." He continues bluntly with a serious expression on his face as if he was stating and counting something he had to memories for school and present them to a class.

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