15: birthday party; part 2

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"Alright, let's go," Angel fixed her clothes and was ready to leave the cabin. She barely balanced her body because of how drunk she is.  It's a little funny but I'm definitely not going to get used to it.

"Wait," I clean my thighs and pull my boxers and pants back up. My eyes lower to her thighs, questioning if she cleaned hers as well until I see her sliding her thong down, "Wha-"

"It's disgusting," she laughs and threw it onto the floor as if it was trash.

"At least throw it in the trash. What if a fûcking pervert takes it?" I lift it back up and threw it away. But she was ready to rush out but I hold her back, "patience, Angel."

We both wash our hands and fix our hair, I'm checking her butt up to see if anything is showing since she's clearly naked under it. Now I have to take extra care that her dress is not going up, I know for sure she'll be mad at me if she finds out that she exposed herself in front of other people.

"Justin, you're so hot." She giggles and pulled my shirt as she bites in my cheek.

I just laugh it off and slightly push her away, grab her hand and pull her with me back to her friends.

Aaliyah is still passed out, sleeping on the couch with a cup in her hands and the rest is dancing.  A few seconds later Angel's cake arrived and everyone screamed louder. But she seemed to not care since all that she did was grab my butt and lean her face on my shoulder.

"Happy birthday, Maia!" Some girls hug my girlfriend, forcing her to let go of my butt. She thanked them, hugged them back and blew the candles off. She didn't want to eat the cake but everyone else did.

Both of us go to Aaliyah, shake her by her shoulder until she'd wake up. She jumped up, her cup emptying on her dress which caused her to roll her eyes, "what did I miss?" She yells.

Right when I wanted to say nothing Angel screams, "Justin and I fucked in the bathroom."

Oh my god, this girl is never going to believe me when I tell her what she did and say this night.

"I told you," Aaliyah answers and looked at me, "did you drink, you little bitch?"

"Little bitch?" I repeat and Aaliyah nods. Alright, I'll never go to a club with the both of them ever again.

"Yeah, you should be lucky to have my best friend. She's the best and one year older now," she started crying and I suck my lips.

When I'm drunk, I'm just relaxed and forget about the shit that happened in my life. Rarely I get emotional but this is new.

"Do you wanna go home?"

"I missed my baby," Aaliyah cries harder and Angel just had a poker face on until she turned to me.

She's a little extra horny when she's drunk because she has that seductive smirk on her lips again, "I'm hungry."

"So we're going?" I repeat and they nod.

Thank god.

None of us hesitated to wait for a second longer and I grab Angel's hand, who grabbed Aaliyah's hand.

"Wait, my purse!!" She yells and I let go of her hand and keep my eye on Aaliyah.

"You okay?" I ask her and she nods. Good, Miguel isn't going to kill me.

"Justin," Aaliyah murmurs and I step closer to her to check up if she probably will throw up or worse.

"What's wrong?" I yell when she pulled my shoulder and pointed to a direction.

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