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Trigger warning :
depression and su1c1d3 thoughts

Ive been receiving couple of messages if I will update hidden truth..

I'm going to be honest with you, I've been really trying to write this book further and I do have some chapters pre-written but the story line on how I planned it from the beginning is triggering me. And everything of how I build Justin's Character is also triggering me currently. 

I've lost my boyfriend over a year ago to depression and specific thoughts I don't want to write down.

And the storyline of this book was planned to be deep and other Characters' stories as well like Justin's mother and stuff, but it was easier for me to write about such topics when I didn't go through it  comparing to what I've been through the past year.

I'm really bad at saying no or saying I'll never ever finish this book. Normally I'm someone who finishes what she started. But my boyfriend's death just made me avoid being near to mental health issues and generally anything related to that. I can't think about it, and the second people try to express anything in that direction, my head just turns off because I don't want to be reminded of him.

That's why you guys asking me to update was a reason for me to barely open this app and be stressed. Ofc you couldn't know but it was just in my head and I didn't know how to cope with everything going on.

It was a rough time, I'm happy the stress is over but of course the pain will never leave. I'm just in a phase where I already occupied with his death too much that I just finally want to keep a day going without depressing myself of what he did.

So right now, I'm sorry, I can't write this book. I don't know how I'll be in the future about this, but I missed writing. I more likely thought of continuing my other books to distract myself from my trauma lol.

It has been years and I really appreciate some of you still asking me to update any of my books, that's why I'm doing this "update" chapter.

I hope you understand and I'm sorry for always promising to update when I actually knew nothing was going to be updated anytime near.

Take care of yourselves :) and the people around you

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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