09: have you ever...

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I was horrified every time Justin had to shoot up himself. I woke him up every time he had to take his replacement because he literally slept the entire day. James came to visit him, just to check up on him and telling me he had to go to Vegas as soon as possible.

I pout my lip at that thought. He and I just made up and couldn't spend much time because he slept all the time. It was pretty boring for me to watch him but I'm so happy that he finally takes them. He really needed so long to take them and now he's doing this for us.

Honestly, his whole speech he did at Aaliyah's place slapped some sense to me. He couldn't just stop taking drugs, he is addicted and it's not really his choice. His body is craving for them like food.

And what he did... I really try my best not to think about it.

I know that it wasn't really him, it wasn't his intention to do it and I did my research on the drugs. The main side effect was sexual drive, so I try to blame the drug and not him.

I'm still shocked that he really broke his own hand. His bad temper wasn't newsflash but he never went that far- showing how frustrated he is.

Miguel also showed up, checking up on Justin and even was lucky to catch him when he was awake. Oreo and Justin were on good terms again and he actually slept next to Justin all the time.

I took a week off of college, perfect time since vacation is right after- finally. I thought about going to Vegas with Justin and turn into that crazy girlfriend who controls her boyfriend all the time. I mean, he would actually enjoy it since he wants my attention all the time which I barely give him.

Currently, I was laying in my bed next to him and checked his temperature. Everything is going well. Thank God.

Then there's Aaliyah, checking up on me every hour and worrying that he's losing himself again and taking it out on me. I guaranteed her otherwise which she was happy about. 

I ordered Thai food, woke Justin up so he'd eat. He was too knocked out and didn't even hear me. He laid on his side and hugged the blanket tightly. I softly shake his shoulder, a little tougher but he didn't wake up. I started to worry about it and checked his heartbeat. It beat regularly. Holy shit- I was scared for a second.

"Justin," I speak right into his ear and shook him again.


"Wake up and eat," I tell him and shake his shoulder roughly, "Come on!!"

"Justin!!!" I whine and shake him again and he finally opened his eyes tiredly.

He brushed through his face and stretched his arms, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me closer to him, "no, we have to eat."

He pulled his eyebrows together, "let's cuddle a bit."

How badly I wanted to eat but his offer to cuddle was more attracting to me since we weren't physically close for way too long. I smiled and leaned down so my head was below his chin. His arms tightly hug my back, I press myself against his chest and he softly kissed my forehead. Our legs were intertwined and he brushed along my spine up to the back of my head, playing with my hair.

"James told me to tell you that you should go back to Vegas as soon as possible," I start a conversation and notice his annoyed exhaling.

"My hand is fucking broken. Why the hell does he need me there?"

"I'll come with you," my eyes stare at the tattoos on his chest, lining over them with my fingertip.

"Really?" His tone became higher out of happiness.

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