Chapter 4

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"You're by yourself today? So Miss Miyake let you off the leash." Masaru said with a smirk as Rina walked into the club room.

Rina ignored his teasing and sat down at her desk, setting her school bag on it and taking the notepad out.

Masaru let the moment pass and walked over to the front of his desk, closing the folder. Rina wondered to herself just how much he could possibly have in that folder.

"You ready to do some interviews?" Masaru asked, not turning around, "Remember, we're only interviewing girls in the club. We'll narrow down exactly who when we get there."

Rina nodded, standing up.

"Let's go, then." She said with a sigh, thinking of the things she could be doing instead.

Masaru nodded and went for the door, followed closely by Rina.

As they walked, Rina thought of other things to ask him.

"So why do you wear the trench coat?" Rina asked, looking over at him.

Masaru took a pocky stick out of his pocket, sticking it in his mouth as he seemed to ponder his answer.

"It completes my authentic detective look." He said simply, ignoring the groan from Rina, "and it was a gift."

This made Rina pause. Masaru was given a gift? He didn't strike her as someone with friends, much less any close enough to give him a gift.

"Who gave it to you?" She asked, tilting her head.

Masaru didn't respond, and for a moment Rina thought maybe he hadn't heard her.

"Masaru?" She tried to get his attention.

"We're here." Masaru said, stopping when they were in front of the door.

He looked down at Rina, he didn't seem bothered by the question, then again Rina never knew what he was thinking.

"Same deal as yesterday. I ask questions, you take notes." Masaru said, opening the door as Rina nodded in response.

This time they caught the club already on a break, and Rina exhaled through her nose in slight relief. It was considerably less awkward to barge in when they weren't playing any music. The club leader turned to the door from where she was sitting and walked over, unsurprised that they were there again.

"What's up today, Masaru?" She asked casually.

Rina looked at the two. She wasn't sure if they were good friends or if Masaru simply inspired that level of informality. But Masaru didn't seem the social type, so she figured the latter was more likely to be true.

Masaru held his hands in his pockets, pocky stick hanging from his mouth as he looked around the room.

"We just need to interview a few people, seems our client didn't know too many people outside of the club room." He said, stretching his arms.

The club leader shook her head, likely tired of seeing them hang around.

"All right, we'll make it quick. We're starting back up soon." She said, and Masaru nodded.

"Well, let's start with you then." He said, and she looked up at him, caught slightly off guard.

"The girl I spoke to yesterday...does anyone seem to like her, or look at her a lot?" He added.

The club leader seemed to think for a moment, before shaking her head.

"She only has one friend, and doesn't really talk to anyone else. It's a shame, too. She always looks really lonely. Like she wants to say something but there's no one to listen..." she trailed off.

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