Chapter 12

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Finding herself rather energized the next morning, Rina walked to school with a bit of pep in her step. Yua met up with her on the way as usual, and Rina's worries about her friend had officially come to an end. She did make mental note, however, that she didn't spot Suzu on the way. Though she supposed she never did, and was only thinking about it this one time. The rest of the school day continued like normal up until lunch, when Rina decided to ask Suzu a question.

"What's your email, Suzu?" She asked, taking her phone out of her bag.

Suzu looked over at Rina, her face turning a light pink,

"M-my email? Are you g-going to send me-"

"It's so we can talk, and maybe even hang out outside of school." Rina clarified, deciding to stop Suzu's impulse before it began.

Despite that, Suzu smiled, taking her phone out and exchanging emails with Rina, before doing the same with Yua.

"Look at us. A real friend group. It brings a tear to my eye." Yua said, jokingly wiping her eye.

Rina rolled her eyes as Suzu giggled, and as Yua stole a few items from Suzu's bento, it occurred to Rina that Yua was right. They had become a group of friends, something Rina hadn't exactly expected to have. She smiled to herself just before hearing her name called by a voice she'd come to know well.


She stood up, carrying her bento over to Masaru and following him out without a word.

"So what exactly are we going to be asking people?" Rina asked as she ate, walking behind him.

"My thoughts are that we ask about Kukiko without being too specific as to what we're hoping to hear." Masaru said, putting a pocky stick in his mouth.

"You think people might withhold information?" She asked, head tilted.

"It's possible. Especially if she's as

popular as Hanako implied." He responded with a shrug.

Rina wondered what it would be like to be popular as she finished her lunch.

"Do you ever wish you were popular?" Rina asked.

"Not particularly. It wouldn't do much for me, if anything it'd be harder to work on cases." He said without turning around.

Rina thought on what he said. In truth, he was pretty well known. But he wasn't really popular in the sense she was thinking.

"I don't think I'd want to be either." Rina decided, "Too many people upset me."

She heard a short laugh from Masaru.

"I had a feeling you'd say something like that." He said, looking back at her for a moment.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rina asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Nothing, nothing." Masaru said as he stopped in front of a door, "We're here."

Rina looked at the door for a moment, then looked at Masaru.

His eyes briefly met hers, before he opened the door and walked inside.

"Eh? Masaru?" Rina heard a student say.

Most of the class turned to look at him, but none of them seemed confused like the other times. In fact, some of them turned back away as soon as they saw it was him. Rina figured it made sense, his fellow third years were more likely to know him.

"Masaru, what are you doing here?" Rina heard a boy ask as he walked up to him.

"Looking for Kukiko, have you seen her?" Masaru responded, looking around.

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