Chapter 11

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Rina stretched as she woke up Monday morning, the weekend had been even more boring than usual. She never did hear from Yua, who ended up being MIA for the entirety of the weekend. Rina hoped Yua would be at school that day as she swung her legs off of the side of the bed, at least so she could apologize for being unavailable recently. After her daily hygienic routine, Rina walked down the stairs, surprised to see her father still home.

"You're still here?" She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Her dad turned around, jumping slightly as he clearly hadn't heard her.

"Oh, yeah...I overslept." He said with a laugh, grabbing his things as he spoke.

Rina smiled, it was just like her dad to be so absent minded.

"I hope you don't get in trouble!" She said as she went to the kitchen to prepare her lunch.

"I shouldn't, I'm pretty much never late." Her dad replied as he looked around for something, "So how is that club going?"

Rina thought for a moment as she washed a vegetable.

"It's going better than I expected. And I only have to deal with it for two more weeks anyway. So I think I'll be fine." She said with a smile.

Her dad found what he was looking for and looked over at her.

"Made any new friends?" He asked, seeming to expect her to say no.

"Um, yes actually." Rina said, sticking her tongue out at her dad, "Her name is Suzu. She's a, but very sweet."

Her dad looked up at her, a smile on his face,

"Great! That's great. You should bring her over for dinner sometime."

Rina thought for a moment before speaking,

"Ok, I'll talk to her about it."

Her dad smiled, before picking everything up.

"Ok, well I need to go. See you tonight, love you!" He said as he walked out.

"Love you!" Rina called back.

Once she was alone, Rina finished cooking her lunch in relative silence, humming softly to herself. When she was finished, she packed her things and began to head off to school.

As she had hoped, Yua met up with her on the way, slapping her friend on the shoulder.

"You're looking chipper as ever today, Rina." Yua said with a cheeky grin.

"Not particularly...hey, you never messaged me Friday!" Rina said with a pout, "What happened to you that day? You were late to class."

Yua blushed and looked away, still smiling.

"Well I, um...I got confessed to." Yua said, her voice becoming more quiet with each word.

Rina's jaw dropped. She had never imagined Yua with a boyfriend, it was the furthest possibility from her mind.

"You almost had me there for a moment." Rina said with a smirk, deciding that Yua had to be joking.

"It's not a joke!" Yua said with a pout, "Is it so hard to believe that someone would find me interesting?"

Rina's smirk faded, and her eyebrow rose.

"So then, who was it?" She asked, still not fully trusting the legitimacy of Yua's claim.

"You don't know him, he's in another class." Yua said, turning her gaze away once again.

"So that's where you were all weekend...hanging out with your new boyfriend?" Rina teased, prompting another adamant reaction from Yua.

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