Chapter 16

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Rina found herself unable to sleep Sunday night. It was late enough that she knew Yua would be asleep, and she didn't exactly want to bother Suzu on her time off. In fact, she shuddered to think of what Suzu might do in her alone time. But she didn't particularly care much if she bothered one person. She gave Masaru a call, and once again he answered almost immediately.

"You know we're not on any cases, right?" He said, sounding slightly annoyed.

"I can't sleep." Rina said simply, hoping that would answer any questions he had.

"So count sheep. Or call one of your friends." Masaru said with a yawn.

"Oh, were you asleep?" Rina asked, knowing what his answer would be.

"No, I was-" Masaru was cut off by her.

"Well I'm sure they are, so you're my only option right now." Rina said, hoping the smirk on her face wasn't strong enough to be heard.

Masaru sighed, and after a few moments of silence spoke again.

"So what did you do this weekend?" He asked in an almost defeated tone.

"I hung out with Suzu, Yua was busy so it was just the two of us." Rina said, smiling as she began to feel less lonely, "What about you?"

"I helped out my mother with some things." Masaru said simply, sounding like he was preoccupied with something else.

"It sounds like you do that a lot..." Rina pointed out.

"My father is almost always away on business, so she's been needing extra help." Masaru said after a short pause.

"You don't have any siblings that could help out?" Rina asked, spinning a pencil on her desk.

" you?" Masaru returned the question.

"'s just me and my dad." Rina said, suddenly feeling a bit sad.

Masaru didn't pry any further than that.

"So do you usually call people at late hours to make small talk?" He asked after another bout of silence.

"No." Rina said with a frown that she knew he couldn't see, "I usually sleep pretty well. Too well, in fact..."

Masaru seemed to accept that answer, waiting a bit longer before speaking again.

"Your last week in the club is coming up. You must be excited." He said casually.

"Yeah..." Rina responded quietly.

The time was almost there, she would be free! So why did she feel down?

"Well, I think that's enough for tonight. You tired yet?" Masaru asked her.

"Yeah." Rina lied, not wanting to bother him any further.

"All right, I'll see you tomorrow then." He said, not seeing through her lie.

"Yeah...see you." Rina replied.

She heard Masaru hang up and laid back down in bed, thinking. About Suzu, Masaru, the club, everything. About how different her life was a month ago. At some point or another during all of this thinking, she managed to fall asleep.

"Seriously, do you ever sleep?" Yua asked Rina at lunch that day, noting the tired look on her face.

"Usually, yes. I'm always tired regardless." Rina responded, rubbing her eye, "In fact, I can't figure out how you're so energetic in the morning."

Yua puffed out her chest proudly, a grin on her face.

"I just have natural vigor!" She said triumphantly.

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