Chapter 13

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 "No cases to crack today, Rina?" Yua asked, nudging her friend with her elbow at lunch the next day.

Rina rolled her eyes, pulling on Yua's cheek with her chopsticks.

"I have to have a life outside of club, you know." Rina said, closing her eyes and looking away coyly.

Yua whined and Rina continued until they both noticed Suzu was staring at them.

"Eh? What's wrong, Suzu?" Rina asked, letting go of her goofy friend's cheek and allowing her to rub it and whine some more.

"I you and Y-Yua have a s-s-sadomasochist-tic relationship..." Suzu mumbled, just loud enough for them to hear.

Rina put her face in her palm as Yua nodded in agreement.

"Yes, yes. I see nothing gets past you, Suzu!" Yua said with an overly serious tone.

"Don't encourage her." Rina said dully, pulling at her friend's cheek once again.

"Ack! Ok, I'm sorry! No more!" Yua cried, being as dramatic as possible.

Suzu giggled, beginning to eat her own food.

"H-hey...we sh-should hang out t-today!" She said, blushing and avoiding eye contact with them.

Rina and Yua looked at each other, before looking back to Yua.

"Sure, why not?" Yua asked with a shrug, clearly doing her best Rina impression.

"I have club stuff, but after that should be fine." Rina said, choosing to ignore her friend's verbal jab.

Suzu smiled, looking up at both of them.

"G-g-great! I'll m-meet you at the club r-room later." She said, beginning to enter deep thought.

The rest of lunch went on like normal, and after class Rina got up and began to head to the club room, with Yua and Suzu planning to meet her there later.

Masaru, of course, was already in the club room when she arrived. He was standing in front of the coffee machine, and she couldn't see what he was doing. But she could definitely smell it.

"Trying your hand at coffee again?" She asked, waving the scent away from her with her hand and setting her bag on her desk.

"I tried to replicate what you did yesterday, it didn't work out too well." Masaru said, briefly turning around to look at her before returning to his task.

Rina sighed, and walked up next to him.

"Let me see." She said, looking the machine up and down.

Once again the coffee was burned, albeit not as bad as yesterday's.

"You're hopeless." Rina said, shaking her head.

"Well, I suppose I don't really need to learn how to make it." Masaru said, walking over to his desk and leaning against it, "I can just have you make it for me."

"Despite the liking you've taken to having one, I'm not your maid." Rina said with a frown, "And besides. I'm only here for the rest of this week and next week. Me being here is temporary, remember?"

She expected a quick witted response from Masaru, but she didn't receive one. Rina turned around to look at him, he was looking at the floor. He looked almost...she didn't get to finish the thought before looking back up.

"Well, I guess I'll just see if Suzu knows how to make coffee." He concluded.

Rina made a groaning sound, with Masaru smiling in response.

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