Chapter 20

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    Finally the day had come. The day Rina had thought for most of the month that she wanted, the last day that she was a member of the Detective Club. Though she wasn't as excited as she thought she'd been when the month began. She dragged herself out of bed and got ready, trying to stall as much time as she could. Despite her efforts, she got done relatively quickly, and went down the stairs. Her father was there again that day, likely having overslept again.

"Hey, Dad." Rina said with a yawn as she went into the kitchen to make her lunch.

"Hello, I overslept again..." he said, confirming her suspicions.

"I figured." Rina said as she began to cook.

Her dad looked around for something, then looked up at Rina and reacted to her expression.

"You ok?" He asked, indicating to Rina that she wasn't doing a good job of hiding her emotions.

"Yeah..." she said, before deciding to be honest, "...well, I'm more uncertain than anything."

Her father stopped what he was doing and walked over, looking at her.

"Uncertain about what?" He asked, tilting his head.

Suddenly Rina knew where she developed the trait from.

"About...leaving the club." Rina said, avoiding looking up at him.

"Leaving the club? Why would you do that?" He asked, idly looking around again.

It was then that Rina remembered she hadn't been entirely truthful to her father about why she joined the club in the first place.

"I think maybe the club leader doesn't want me around anymore." Rina said, and she wasn't exactly lying.

It wasn't as though Masaru was begging her to stay, after all.

"Has he said something to you about it?" Her dad asked, finding what he was looking for but continuing to listen.

"No...but that's exactly what I mean. He hasn't tried to stop me at all..." Rina said, looking solemnly down at what she was doing.

"It could be that he's too prideful to tell you he wants you to stay, or thinks you truly want to leave." He suggested, before looking down at his watch.

"Crap, I gotta go, sorry. Love you!" He said, rushing out the door.

"Love you." She said back as he left.

Rina frowned to herself, it was true that Masaru wasn't exactly open with his feelings. But surely he would tell her about something as important as this? Still uncertain, Rina finished up her lunch and left for school, thoughts still swimming around her currently flooded mind.

Yua met up with Rina like their usual routine, and she seemed to be in even higher spirits than usual that day.

"Hellooooo, Rina!" She called out, prancing over to her friend.

"Hey." Rina said in an unintentionally short tone.

"Oh, someone's tired again today?" Yua asked, poking her friend on the cheek.

"That's your assumption every day." Rina said, bantering with Yua as always despite her current mood.

"Oh, exhausted then? From a passionate night with Masaru?" Yua asked, swooning in an exaggerated manner.

"What, are you Suzu now?" Rina asked with a smirk as they entered the school.

"It's possible she's rubbing off on me." Yua responded with a shrug.

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