Chapter 7

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As they entered the classroom Rina noticed it seemed to be just about identical to her own, which was to be expected. The students

were gossiping and talking, just like in her class as well. The only difference was that a few people were looking at them, mostly in Masaru, confused as to why they were there.

"We're on a time crunch here, so let's split up and just ask as many people as you can about the vandalism." Masaru said, looking around the room.

Rina nodded, before realizing what he said.

"Eh? Wait, but I've-" she began, but Masaru walked off before she was able to finish the thought.

Rina frowned. She had never questioned people herself before! Though she had seen Masaru do it a few times, it didn't seem too hard. She decided it'd be a good opportunity and set off towards the first group of students she saw.

It wasn't until the group was staring at her that she realized she hadn't planned on anything to say.

"Um...hello!" She said with an awkward wave.

The people in the group either raised an eyebrow or smiled politely.

"I'm, er..." suddenly Rina got an idea, "I'm with the student council, and I'm doing an investigation about the vandalism on school property."

The group, although skeptical, seemed to accept that, waiting for her to say something else.

"Does, Hirabayashi have any enemies?" She asked, looking among the group.

The students thought for a moment, some harder than others, before one spoke up.

"I've heard Seto complain about her before." One boy said, pointing to a student sitting by himself in the back, "But that's all I can think of."

Everyone else either nodded in agreement or stayed silent, though one student seemed suspiciously eager to see Rina walk off.

"That's all anyone can think of?" Rina asked, her eyes trailing to that student in particular.

After a few moments of silence, the student realized she was subtly asking him in particular.

"Huh? Oh, um...yeah, Seto doesn't seem to like her much..." he said, avoiding Rina's gaze.

Rina wasn't fully convinced he was giving all he knew, but there wasn't much she could do. With a "thank you," she walked over to the student they called Seto and stood in front of his desk. He seemed to be spacing out as he ate his lunch, until he slowly looked up to her face and realized a person was standing in front of him.

"Can I help you?" He asked, looking Rina up and down.

"You're Seto?" She asked, hands on her hips.

"Using my first name? Who are you, then?" He asked, standing up to meet her at eye level.

Rina narrowed her eyes, his aggression didn't speak well for his innocence.

"Rina Akamine. I'm investigating the vandalism that's been done to Suzu Hirabayashi's things the past month." She said, not wavering in her stance.

"Huh? And someone told you I did it?" He asked, putting his hands on his desk.

"They didn't exactly, but your actions are answering my questions for me." Rina responded, already sick of the boy's attitude.

Seto crossed his arms, standing up straight and visibly agitated.

"What, just because I don't like her? Not a lot of people do! And why are you defending that little pervert anyway?! Just today I saw her sketching a lewd picture in the middle of class! It was some young detective and his assis-"

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