Put the book down

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World: Real world

It was late,  Norman slept peacefully on his side of the bed. But on the other side sat a tired Ray with a book in his hand turning the pages quietly. 

For the last couple of months Ray hasn't been able to sleep. He just couldn't he didn't know why.  He's pondered on the answer for so long now but is never able to find it. He thinks an answer doesn't exist.

He just came to the conclusion that he wasn't going to sleep utill his brain finally started to work again. So he sat there in lap light staring down at his book not even making sense of the words on the page. 

He was still in his thoughts when her heard a tired voice "hey why are you still up". Ray turns his head to see that Norman was awake, well barley.

"Nothing just reading go back to sleep" ray said caressing his cheek. "No" he said bluntly "why" ray asked. 

"Because I sleep better when you cuddled with me" he said into rays hand. "Really" ray questions Norman nods his head slowly.

"Now put the book down and sleep" Norman said tugging rays hand a little. He sighed but obeyed putting he book on his night stand and turned off his lap.

He laid down and pulled the smaller boy to his chest. Felling Norman's heart beat made him realize something. Until Norman he always slept alone and now that he lives with him he thinks that he just needs to get used to not being alone.

He's always been alone any precious relationship never got this serious so he was still alone at night now he has norman. And that's way better. 

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