Were the light goes I follow

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Real world

Oh I remember the day I met you it seems so long ago the day I laid eyes on the most beautiful and kind hearted person ever.

It was December the snow covered the fields around the small town. I knew everyone in that town. So when I saw you, I was intrigued.

I entered the little market on the corner of salk and ball. And there I saw you. With your platinum blonde hair and petite frame.

You were buying wheat bread and milk. I thought you were interesting but thought you were only passing by like many people on the road.

You finished paying and heading to the door. You dropped you bread, lucky I have fast relaxes and was able to catch it before it fell to the floor.

"Hey you drop something" I said slyly "oh I guess I have" you chuckled. I handed you the bread "thanks" "well have a nice day... " "Norman and you are... ". "Ray" I said "well ray have a nice day see you around" and with that you walked out.

I walk up to the counter grab some chips and candy. I look and Emma who was the cashier, she had the biggest smile plastered on her face.
"What" I asked.

"Nothing" she said scanning my items "I know that face what is it". "You're into that guy arent you" she said smiling even wider. I was flustered "n-no I barely talked to him and plus I'm not going to see him again he's probably on a road trip or something".

"Oh he isn't" she said "how do you know" "he said he just moved here today" "wait really but there's no homes for sale except for... ". Her smile only grow bigger. "No" "yes".

You know were the only open house was. I gab my bag with an annoyed looked and headed to the door "good luck" I hear Emma yell. Without turning around I held my arm in the sky and flipped her off. "How rude".

I walk to my house and there I see in the usually empty drive way next to my house a car. "How did I not notice that" I thought to myself. I unlocked my door and collapsed onto the floor.

I do this offend you would fine out later. I look up at my lonely house and decided to properly welcome you to this small town. So I mustered enough strength to get up, open the door, and walk over to your house.

That day was great I remember we talked for hours. We grew very close you also became good friends with Emma and after a year we were all best friends.

I remember when I asked you, I was so nervous. I was also such an idiot but only for you.

We were sitting in your room talking about who knows what "so what you doing tomorrow" "nothing I don't have work tomorrow" "well would you like to acapany to the movies tomorrow at let's say 3" I said walking out of the room.

"Oh sure is Emma going" I stop and pop my head in the door way "nope" was all I said wih a smile before making my was to the front door "oh... OH" was the last thing I heard as I closed the door.

That date was great, awkward but great. We've been friends for a year an half by this point but we were acting like we barley knew each other.

But a couple dates later we started dating and well one day you had a crazy idea.

"Let's move to Los Angeles" you said out of the blue one day while we were cuddling. "What really? " you nodded into my chest. "Yes I really what something new and exciting I love it here but doesn't it get old" you said looking up.

"Yeah I guess you're right" I thought for a second I never liked changed but for some reason you looked so passionate and determined. "You know what screw it let's move to LA".

(AN:I'm making a part 2 because this was getting long.)

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