Rainbow prt2

639 24 13

Trigger Warning: homophobic talk, slurs, hateful speech, very religious mean people.
(This part is based on a church not going to say but when you read it you might figure out what church I'm talking a about)  [also I know it's way past pride month but if you saw my last part I explain why I haven't been posting]

Norman's pov:

The day went great, we had fun watching all the colorful floats past by. We danced ridiculously to Love is Love by Trey Pearson, I kissed a girl by Ketty Perry  and so many other gay bops.

We bought so many things from the stands around the parade. We got rainbow flags, shirts, bandana, and other random crap. That we probably don't need but want. We started  walking towards a cross walk that was filled with more stuff, when we heard shouting.

"God hates fags" a man shouted from the other side from the cross walk. He and others holding very horrible signs and were surrounded by police officers. And many GRSM (gender, romantic, and sexual minoritys)  people were also around them.

"You all are going to be stricked by gods wrath" the man continued to shout. "God hates fag and you are a going to hell". You could fell the how tense all the GRSM people were by these people coming and ruining their day of celebration about how far we have come in pushing for equality.

I look down to see ray but he looked deeply troubled. "Hey babe you okay" he didn't reply. I lean forward to see him almost on the verge of either tears or popping his head off with anger.

Ray's pov:
I fucking hated people that think that way. Just because of that one section in that one book that is two thousand years old. I don't care if you belive in god or a misshapen potato named Philip, but it's never okay to wish or want death on a innocent people who are just trying to live their lives.

I never want anyone to feel the way my family made me feel. When I came out, my family kicked me out and haven't talk to me since I was 16. They are highly religious and are very homophobic. So I grow up being homophobic thinking people who weren't straight or "normal" were bad and evil.

Then I really stared to hate myself when I was 14 and started to like this kid in my math class, his name was norman. At first I though he was just a really close friend. Then I stared to feel something new one day.

(haha I'm so evil)

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