Cold hearted prt2

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(Btw I don't know a lot of abbreviations so I wouldn't be using many in the text)

Ray: hey harry potter nerd
Norman:wow didn't think you would text me
Ray:well I got nothing to do so might as well
Norman: cool so you wanna hangout after school tomorrow

After school

"So.. " ray asked eating a french fry "why did you want to talk to me, like nobody want to talk to me". "Well because I thought you seemed interested and a bit lonely" Norman said honestly.

"Well thanks I kinda like having someone to talk to" he mumbled. Norman just smiled.

The next couple of months went by quickly. They have became almost inseparable, people started to leave ray alone because no one would mess with norman.  They were best friends but norman started to feel something more.

He stared to think of ray as more then just a friend. He would admit he is gay but hadn't told him yet but felt like there was something there. Something that had drawn him to ray so long ago.

"Hey ray I need to tell you something" he said out of the blue while they eat lunch. "Sure what is it" he said stuffing his face with his probably 50 cents pizza. Norman got very nervous his whole body felt cold and hot at the same time.

"W-well you see i- I might..." He studered. "I l-like you" he blurted out. Ray choked on his pizza and stared at him with wide eyes. He didn't say anything. Norman paniced inside thinking he screwed everything up.

There was silence between them until the bell rang and ray sped off to his next class. Norman look at him go heartbreaken and sad he had probably losted his best friend.

Norman:hey ray what  I said earlier was stupid I'm sorry
Norman:please answer me
Norman:look I was stupid but I still want to be friends
Norman: you're  probably freaked out I'm sorry

Norman hadn't seen ray after school and hadn't hear from him in days. He was always avoiding him or sometimes just didn't go to school. He just wanted ray to be alright, even if he didn't like him back.

He just wanted his friend back.

RayXNorman one shots (The Promised Neverland)Where stories live. Discover now