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Kaneki awoke the next morning and saw Touka sleeping in front of him. After last night's talk, he felt somewhat better, as if a part of his burden has been lifted and he caressed her cheek with a smile. He's thankful that she was there for him as he talked about his hard times and wondered if he could have felt like this earlier if he had stopped being so stubborn about it.

He got out of bed slowly, careful not to awake her and made his way to the deck.

Around an hour later, Touka stood beside him and stared at the same ocean with him. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I'm not your keeper."

"And the real reason?"

"...I didn't have the heart to wake you up." 

She can't help but let a smile hang from her lips. He should be honest more often, it makes him cuter. "Thank you."

Pushing himself away from the railings, he moved to face her, and she did the same. Looking up at him with her lovely blue eyes, he found himself absorbed in them and suddenly missed the warmth of her body against his. Taking her hand into his, he raised it to his mouth and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand with a smile. Her cheeks reddened at the action and at his charming smile. There it was again.

"Thank you for listening to me last night. And well...allowing me to sleep in your arms. I haven't slept that well in ages." He seemed a little embarrassed to admit that he hasn't many good nights of sleep.

"Y-you're welcome. You can sleep on my chest anytime."

Even though he knew it was her being serious, he let out a burst of carefree laughter. It lasted for a few seconds, leaving her entranced and he slowly stopped. Eyes and mouth grinning, he squeezed her hand and had a sudden urge to kiss her.

So he did.

With his hand in hers and an arm around her waist to pull her close, he leaned down to join his lips to hers. Her eyes widened at first, but she slowly eased into the kiss, parting her lips slightly and closed her eyes. He still tasted like peppermint and she still tasted like berries.

"I prefer privacy." She said sultrily and his eyes darkened.

Leaning down to her ear, he whispered into it, sending shivers down her spine. "Trust me, you do not want to be alone with me in a room right now. I'll do things to you."

"I welcome them."

His eyes went wide at her words and his lips turned to a naughty grin.

She couldn't believe the boldness of her words since she has never had the opportunity nor permission to use them. As a princess and a lady, her father has stressed so many times not to speak rudely especially to men who came after her hand in marriage, lest she lost her chance to get married. Each and every one of them was kind, polite and considerate.

But Kaneki was different. Sure, he was kind but every action he made lit her on fire and caused her heart to race. After seeing how vulnerable he was last night, the fondness she had for him increased tenfold. She liked him more than she should and wanted to know everything about him. His soft side, his vulnerable side and his happy side. Extra points to him not scolding or judging her for her choice of words.

Meanwhile, Kaneki was panicking on the inside after realizing that he might actually like her, love her even. After Hide died, he has been feeling nothing but sad and regretful. Ever since meeting her, he's been experiencing all kinds of emotions in forever. Happiness, nervousness and embarrassment. She made him feel things and he liked that.

Though he knew he shouldn't get any closer to her, he didn't want to leave her and squeezed her hand. He had planned on making her his but now that it has happened, he wasn't so sure about it. Why had he decided on that anyways? What did he want to do after he made her his?

His grey eyes gazed down at her and he cupped her cheeks. She put a hand over his and looked up at him. Even if he knew that she would despise him for what he's done in the past, he still wanted her until the day the truth comes to light.

"Be mine."

Her eyes widened at his shocking words and he held his breath while he waited for her response. The ends of her lips curved into a smile which sent his heart fluttering. "So I shall."

The Pirate & The Princess [KaneTou] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt