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The King and Queen brought him to a bedroom, one that looked like it was for a child's, as a boy's bed was situated in the middle of the sky blue wallpapered room. A white rug laid under the bed, with toys scattered all over it. Stepping forward to pick up a wooden toy house, he recalled a time when he used to sit in a room and built his own house.

Glancing around the room, he spotted a photo frame atop a desk and saw that it was a monochrome photo of the three of them; the King on the left, the Queen on the right, and the boy in the middle...looked like him but with black hair. He recalled his black hair turning white at the extreme stress he experienced on the ship when working for the cruel captain. 

The Queen wiped her tears with a handkerchief and sniffed. "We took our eyes off you for only a few moments, and then you went missing.  We couldn't find you for the past 21 years..."

The King held the Queen in his arms and comforted her. Vaguely, Ken could remember seeing two adults' backs as they discussed happily on which toy to get for him, and that he had wandered off somewhere without informing them. Soon, he had gotten lost and no one was willing to help him find his parents.

With no money, he could not afford anything and started living in the slums ever since. At the young age of 12, he was sold to become a pirate captain's slave. While everything served as evidence that he was their son, some part of him still couldn't believe he was a King's and Queen's son.

"Tell me about myself. How am I like? I'll judge the truth based on that." Ken said.

The King was the one who spoke this time as the Queen was occupied with her sobs. "You were a quiet boy. You loved reading books, just like me. You loved your toys, and the color blue." The King proceeded to tell him about all the stuff that confirmed his beliefs that he was really their son because they were all the truth.

Another thing that made him confirm being an actual prince to a kingdom was how easily he was able to read as well as write words, even difficult ones. During times where the captain wasn't forcing them to do chores, he often stayed with the other crew and watch them decipher on how to read a book they found somewhere. He realized that they weren't even able to read one sentence without being stuck at the first or second word, much less write. 

At that time, he suspected he must have belonged to a rich family which was able to afford education for him. He also knew how to eat properly with the right manners and cutlery. But he pushed the suspicion away as there weren't any further pieces of evidence.

"I think I am your son.." he whispered. The Queen flew to him and hugged him tightly.

"Dear, our son is finally back!" She sobbed.

The King moved to hug both of them and Ken's body stiffened at the feeling of being hugged by people whom he had just met and was his actual parents after all these years. He felt overwhelmed by everything, and his mind was reeling from all of it. He, a son of a King and Queen!

Cupping his cheeks, the female's tears never seemed to stop. "Oh my baby boy, what happened to you? Your white hair, these scars on your face and you seem bulkier than the last time we saw you..!"

"Let's just say a lot has happened since and I'm not a baby boy anymore. I'm a grown man." Kaneki smiled.

She sighed happily. "Of course, but as parents, you'll always be our darling boy." Her face then turned stern. "But now you need to explain to us why you were stealing our jewels."

He swallowed nervously. This lady--his mother--could be nice and scary in the next moment. Trying to put his words in a nicer way, he proceeded to explain to them everything he's done and the reasons for it. Though they frowned upon the way he did it, they understood the reasons.

Then they asked if he wished to reclaim his position as heir to the kingdom and he told them he wished to think about it back at his ship. Although hesitant, they allowed him to do so and in return made him promise to return and give his answer.

With that, he returned to his ship, where Touka waited.

When he broke the news to her, her eyes had widened and her jaw dropped in surprise. Then, she cupped his cheeks and made him look her in the eyes. "It's your decision. I can't tell you the answer, because I am not in your position, but wouldn't it be nice to live a life of luxury and a son to a King and Queen again? Then you wouldn't have to suffer in these conditions anymore. Besides, as your parents, I'm sure they would want you back."

"But I don't fit in that world anymore. I don't have the manners, I can't dance, I can't act like a prince."

"You can and you will. I'll be with you every step of the way. I promise that."

He smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Arms going around his neck to pull him closer, Touka smiled against his lips and returned the kiss.

"Thank you. I love you, Touka." Ken said, leaning his forehead against hers.

"I love you too."

Kaneki returned to the castle, together with Touka. He was glad to have bought her the dress the other day at the town they visited as it was a formal situation and that the dress suited the occasion perfectly. "I have someone to introduce to you." He announced.

Touka curtsied and smiled. "Good afternoon, King Kaneki and Queen Kaneki, my name is Kirishima Touka and I am from Kingdom Re."

"Who is she to you, darling?" The Queen asked.

"My lover."

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