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A/N: they made love the night before but the smut won't be posted on wattpad but archive of our own because i don't want to risk my story being taken down by wattpad. Do search up 'DreamerFae' on archive of our own if you want to read the smut and it'll be on chapter 16!


When morning came and the sunlight filtered through the window, Touka let out a groan and turned to lay on her back. Her arm stretched out to the side and met with an empty space beside her. Her eyes opened, lips turned down into a frown and she winced at the soreness of her hips and weak legs from last night's lovemaking as she got up from the bed.

Though he had taken great care in being gentle with her, she suspected that she'd feel this way the next few days since it was her first time. Her cheeks burned as she remembered the feel of his hands on her face and her...more intimate areas. 

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, she spotted a few love bites on the sides of her neck and her breasts. Thankfully, they can be covered by her hair and outfit. After showering and washing up, she picked out one of the dresses she purchased yesterday and put it on. 

She then brushed her hair 50 times whilst sitting on the bed as she remembered how he had woken up in the middle of the night screaming, hands reaching out to the ceiling and perspiring badly. It took her a solid 10 minutes to calm him down, let him know that it was alright and allowed him to sleep against her chest, fingers running through his white hair. He was so upset about waking her up and wouldn't stop apologizing until he fell asleep.

As soon as she was done, she headed out to the deck, hoping that he was okay. And as usual, he was staring out at the ocean with his arms folded atop each other on the wood railings. 

Arms wrapping around his torso, she smiled against his back, happy now that they're truly together. He knew who it was even before turning around to face his lover. Pushing her hair away to the reveal her slim neck, she pointed at the love bites there. "Did you do this on purpose last night, knowing that it would leave a bruise? It's not only my neck but my chest too."

His eyes crinkled and he grinned. "So what if I did?"

She sighed, though it wasn't an angry one. "Insufferable ass. You better be grateful that they can be covered or I would have to kill you."

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her close and nibbled on the outer shell of her ear, then pressed kisses to the back of her ear. She blushed, pushing him away. "Ken! We're in public!"

Kaneki loved the way his name sounded on her tongue and nuzzled his nose against hers. "Mm, I like hearing you say my name. I look forward to hearing it being screamed at night again."

Her blush deepened. "Ken..!"

His public display of affection was nice but it was a little embarrassing when it was daylight and many people are around. Some of Ken's men walked past and whistled playfully. "Well, it sure seems nice being a couple and all. You two fit with one another. Captain, we're happy for you!"

It was Kaneki's turn to feel embarrassed as his cheeks turned pink and Touka's cheeks were now red. The men started laughing at the couple's shyness and Kaneki glared at them. "One more laugh and all of you will be walking the plank."

The bunch of crew laughed even harder and even joked. "Yeah right!"

Gritting his teeth, he turned back to Touka and sighed. "They're a bunch of asses. The whole lot of them. They know that I wouldn't make them do it."

She laughed and he smiled, grabbing her hand. Lowering his voice, he leaned over to whisper in her ear, "Is your body alright? After last night..."

Nodding, she caressed his cheeks. "Yes, I'm fine. A little sore but not so bad. How about you?"

No one has ever asked how he felt in a long time and he felt touched by the gesture. "Good to hear that you're feeling alright. I'm fine as well but you should go rest. I don't want you collapsing like last time."

"I only had sex, I'm not sick. Besides—" she lifted her dress slightly. "I wanted to ask what you thought of my dress. I bought this one yesterday. Is it nice?"

His eyes roamed over the navy blue laced dress; with its sleeves resting off her shoulders and on her arms, long sleeves all the way to her wrists, and the silk fabric went down to her feet. "You look gorgeous. It looks so much better with you wearing it."

She smiled. "Thank you. Don't you look handsome today? Are these the clothes I chose for you?"

Touka scanned his appearance today, where instead of his usual white buttoned shirt and black long pants, he wore a black vest, with a light blue buttoned shirt on the inside, tight long black pants, accompanied with brown boots. "Yes, they are. I feel rather...constricted with this outfit."

"Well, that's what our people wear. Princes and gentlemen. Don't you dare say you're neither of them because you are, at least to me." 

Hands on her waist, he pulled her close for an affectionate kiss, in place of a 'thank you'.

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