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Ever since they got together, Touka realized how often Ken smiles at her and his crew and how he visibly looked happier. He rarely even has the sorrowful look and expression on his face anymore. Sometimes when they are in bed, he likes to hold her in his arms and tell her about his days on the ship and the things he does to pass the time. It was as if the man she first met had done a 180 degrees personality change.

Though Ken admits that he felt very free and happier now, deep down he wondered how long this happiness would last. In his experience, not very long as he always ends up losing the things that matter to him. He wondered if there will come a day where they were caught, and she had to choose between her parents and him, what would be her answer?

He shook his head, tossing those horrible thoughts to the back of his mind and focused on her sleeping face. Pushing her hair back to reveal her full face, he kissed the tip of her nose and then her forehead. For now, he would cherish the moments they had with each other and pray that it'll last.

Opening her eyes, Touka found herself snug in her lover's arms and looked up at him with a small smile. "Were you watching me sleep?"

Ken nodded. "You're cute when you're asleep."

She blushed. She didn't take compliments very well. "Ahem, so where are we off to? Another city?"

"Yes, and we're going to rob a castle."

It was night by the time they reached Yuil Kingdom and Kaneki had insisted that Touka remains on the ship with two of his crew to protect her. She sulked at the fact that he was leaving her behind but still listened to him because she knew it would be dangerous.

Off he went, taking the rest of the men with him. According to their plan, they were to wait until everyone in the castle was asleep before they snuck in.

It didn't take long for them to find the treasure and soon, Ken was shouting for them to retreat since he already had the jewels in his hands. He heard the castle alarm system go off, and many guards soon surrounded them. They were brought to the King and Queen and he was forced to go down on his knees.

His hands were bound to his back by tight ropes and he clicked his tongue as one of the guards pushed his head to the ground. He underestimated the security of this castle and cursed at his failure. Before he could think of ways to escape, he was addressed by the King.

"Raise your head."

Only then the guard released his grip and allowed him free rein of his head. Raising it, his eyes met with the grey eyes of the King. The elder male had grey hair and grey eyes, whilst the Queen—who sat beside him—had black hair and brown eyes. They seem to be in their 50s, close to 60 years old. The Queen seemed visibly shaken by Ken's appearance and she whispered to the King before turning back to Ken.

"Is that you, Ken?" She asked, voice shaking.

He raised a brow. "Do I know you?"

"How insolent! You were not permitted to speak! Guards, give him two hits of the wooden sticks!" The King roared, and before they could act, the Queen ordered for them to stop. Ken watched her stand up, hold her skirts and walked towards him. Cupping his cheeks in her hands, she stared into those grey eyes that she could remember anywhere.

Tears brimmed in the female's eyes. "As I thought, you're our darling Ken. Do you remember us? I'm your mother, and the man behind us is your father. We lost you when you were only 5 years old."

"I don't remember you, nor him."

"You should be 26 this year if I'm not wrong and you have a birthmark on your back."

Ken didn't breathe for that one second. Both were true; he was 26 and he had an oval-shaped birthmark on his lower back. "That doesn't prove anything."

The lady frowned. "If you promise to behave, I will show you more proof that you are our son."

He weighed the options and decided that he wanted to know why he was abandoned when he vividly remembered being extremely loved and cared for when he was a child. "Alright."

The Pirate & The Princess [KaneTou] Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu