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"Jeongin, please don't tell me you bothered that poor man," Minho says softly, looking up at the tired panting boy. "He could've been sleeping." Minho says, shaking his head. "He couldn't have. Either that or he's a really heavy sleeper, because I had caused a loud ruckus and he didn't budge! Plus, he had beeping machines and wires with him.." Jeongin says, rubbing his arm up and down. "Alright, lets not be so interested in a stranger's health" Felix cuts in, "we have a whole friend who is probably only in one piece because of all of the casts and bandages." Seungmin nods his head, pouting. "Oh yeah! Sorry min.. How are you feeling? What did the doctors say?"

Jeongin walks out Seungmin's hospital room with Minho, laughing t a statement that the latter said. He notices Room 406's door is open, he decided to peek in. A doctor is there, flipping through the patient's medical records (?) "He does have a record of being warded due to attempts of suicide and this is probably the third. The rest are just normal sicknesses. However, the parents have stopped visiting, probably have given up. They are still keeping him plugged in since he's showing better results, tomorrow we can probably check if he will response to hand squeezing or eye moving." The doctor speaks to the nurse, who nods in reply. Jeongin tries to take a closer look, the patient's name is Bang Chan. "Jeongin, stop peaking!" Minho whisper-shouts. 

Jeongin couldn't believe that Chan's parents gave up on him just like that, the poor guy.

Jeongin felt upset for the stranger, he didn't pity, he just wished the stranger had gotten better treatment by his family.


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