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It was Jeongin's third day visiting Seungmin, he decided to accompany the older due to the bad internet in the hospital, feeling bad for his friend.

"Sorry young man, but the doctor needs to do a checkup on Kim Seungmin, so would you mind stepping out for a minute?" the nurse says politely, not wanting to seem rude by just doing her job. Jeongin nods his head and smiles at the kind lady, politely walking out the room and letting the adults to their job.

He stands there for a few seconds, before his eyes travel to the door beside. Bang Chan.

He looks around, making sure no nurses or doctors are around, and he slips into the room.

He looks at the young man who lays there. Lips chapped, skin pale and no signs of being awake. He walks closer to the man, he has thick pouty lips, long eyelashes and a nose that complimented his face shape, Jeongin watched the steady heartbeat displayed on the screen.

Jeongin heard that you can talk to coma patients and they can hear.

"I don't know if this works or not, but I want to try to talking to you, hoping that you can hear me. I've realised how lonely you are, and it makes me feel blue. It saddens me how such a broken man can be left broken. I heard you wanted to do something to yourself that would permanently damage you, suicide. Why would you do that? I know life can be harsh, but there's so much more for you to experience, just because you experienced the bed doesn't mean you won't experience the good, you know? Just know you're worth a lot, especially your life. I'm hoping you can wake up now and experience all the good in life."

Chan's heartbeat went fast, and his fist clenched. He responded! He didn't wake up, though.

Jeongin's checks his watch, he has to go. "I have to go now, I'm sorry. I'll make sure to visit you tomorrow!"

Jeongin felt all his worries disappear after he talked to Chan.

Jeongin knows it sounds weird, talking to a stranger who is in a coma, but he doesn't care.

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