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Jeongin had been visiting Chan more often, probably having a longer visit to the stranger than his visit with his friend. Even though the older had never given a audible reply, he felt a bond to the older.

Chan had been doing better than ever. He squeezed Jeongin's hands often and moved his eyes, however he didn't answer yes or no questions.

"My friend got discharged a week ago but I'm still coming to the hospital, just for you. I feel so much better after talking to you, you're like my therapist," Jeongin laughs to himself, looking at Chan fondly. "Once you wake up and get better, I'll show you everything that makes me feel happier, we'll experience all the good things in life-" Chan's heartbeat went erratic, he squeezed Jeongin's hand softly and his eyes fluttered open, showing his brown orbs.

Jeongin almost fainted.

"C-Chan!" Jeongin felt warm tears drip and spill, he scrambled and pressed the nurse assist button, without letting go of Chan's hand. He let out a sob, while smiling. Chan just needed a little push to wake up. A nurse walks in, and immediately runs out calling for a doctor when she sees that Chan is wide awake.

A doctor and a few nurses comes in, a nurse gently prying Jeongin from Chan so the doctor can do his job.

"Alright Mr. Bang, you're perfectly healthy, and you have shown a huge difference in your health. You have a couple of scars here and there, but other than that, you're all good! You might have to stay in the hospital for a week or more, just in case though." The doctor pushes his glasses, finishing his explanation to the patient, who nodded and spared a couple of smiles to Jeongin.

The nurses and doctors left, but they warned about calling the older's parents.

"Hey.." Jeongin says, smiling with a tear-stained cheek. Chan extends his arm, holding Jeongin's hand when he was close enough. "Heard every little thing you said whilst I was in a coma. I thought I was dead for a few months. I'm glad you came in my life." Chan says, tightening his grip on the younger's hand. "Ah, so this is what Bang Chan sounds like." Jeongin says, laughing.

——— I like it.

"We will experience all the good once I get out of this prison, right?"

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