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"No really! Changbin and I were eating, then she just smacked his head! I either wanted to laugh or smack her back, so I did both." Jeongin and Seungmin laughed at Felix's story, shaking their heads at their friend. The door slams open and a heavily panting Woojin comes in, hands on his knees and a sweat covered forehead. "Baby I swear I tried my best to get out of the house!" Woojin said immediately, defending himself. "Mhm. You only got out after three days?" Seungmin was angry, steam was practically coming out of his ears. Felix and Jeongin sneaked out the room once Seungmin started lecturing and scolding the poor guy.

"I'll just go home yeah? Visiting hours are finished in an hour and a half anyways. See ya' tomorrow!" Felix waves with a big smile and skips out the hospital.

Jeongin is found in Room 406, again.

Jeongin smiles when he sees Chan, sympathy replaces itself with adore.

"H-How are you Chan? Are you doing better? I hope you're recovering. I really wanna hear your voice, and experience all the good stuff with you, you better wake up faster!"

Jeongin babbled about whatever he could.

"I really like the colour pink-" the door is opened, he's met with a nurse. "Aren't you the friend of Kim Seungmin? Why're you here young man?" The nurse suspiciously said, writing checkups on her board. "Bang Chan here is my friend too!" Jeongin says, smiling big. "Well, why didn't you visit him when he was first in a coma? 5 months ago?" Jeongin's heart clenches. He's been in a coma for that long? Why did he do a damage that would cause a bigger problem? "I didn't realise he was in a coma."

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