Mind Against the World

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Dear readers

Fast updating? yeah it's because I have a lot of time for making this story long.It's because I'm so excited to write another fanfiction of a Brian McFadden and Clarissa.I think it's a challenging one.

But anyway,enjoy the reading.Please comment and rate.

This chapter is all about the lads and their girlfriends searching for a work.





After our graduation I decided to take some review about my filled in Nursing just like the other lads they take some review about their filled and also our girlfriends.After this I just want to propose to Mika.After a month of review I take the exam for my filled.Waiting for two months I'm glad that I've passed the exam.When I search through the internet.Then suddenly my phone rang.I checked it when I found who it was.I pressed the green button.

"Hello?Kian?..how are you lad?"

"I'm fine.But anyway I call because I just want to congratulate you for passing the Nursing Licensure Examination."

"Oh!?thank you very much lad...so how about you?"

"Yeah! ..thank you for asking that..Ahmm..the second reason why I call you to inform you that I've passed also to the licensure examination for Architecture and the other lads too..I would like you to for a dinner in my house..if you don't have nothing to do..lad"

"Yes Kian I will be there?"

"Okay lad we will wait for you here don't worry I've inform the Evans sisters"Kian assured me.

"Okay lad thank you for the information"then he hang up.I turned off my laptop then proceed to my dressing room when I get dressed up wear my shoes I exited to my room.Then approach my mom.

"Mom I will be late to come home tonight because Kian invite me for a dinner"I kissed her.

"Okay son take care"

And I exited to my room.Then went of to my car.Start the engine then went to Kian's house.When I'm on their house I spotted Mika and her other sisters sitting on the bench in Kian's garden.I went to them.

"Hi,everyOne"I wink to Mika.

"Oh! hi there Nicky.What took you so long?"Jodi asked me.

"Well,Kian just inform me tonight that's why I'm late"


"Let's go inside guys the lads we're there waiting for us"Mika said while holding my arms out of the blue.Then we went inside.Brian spotted me then the others turned they're attention to me.

"Nicky you almost late?"said Mark

I scratch my head.

"Ahh..yeah because the messenger not informed me ahead of time"then Kian show up to my side for my surprised.

"Ehmm.."I turned to face him.

"Oh? it's you lad?"

"Yeah I can't even recognized you by your new hair cut?"I teased Kian and the other lads laugh a little.

"Yeah? Isn't that a kinda nice?"

"Yeah you looked so handsome lad!"Shane interrupted.

But the mom of Kian call us in their kitchen.

"Dinner is ready guys"

"Okay,here we come"Brian said while shaking my hand.

"Congrats,for passing the board exam!"

"Thanks Bri,you too.. you are now engineer McFadden huh?"I teased him.

"Yeah! thank you Nicky...so how about the proposal?"he change the topic into a personal one.

But I manage to answer him honestly because he is my long time bestfriend.

"Yeah..I have plan for that? lad"I said while facing my girlfriend Mika. But Mrs.Egan notice us Brian and me chatting in a low voice.Because we are the one was left in the terrace.

"Oh? Nicky and Brian? what are you doing out there?please come inside"Mrs.Egan said.Then we follow her.When we're inside we join them eat the dinner that the mom of Kian prepared.After that we talk some plan in the future about our filled.Then I tell the lads about my plan to my proposal to Mika when we're in Kian's garden.I made the plan with the five of us privately until it's settled.

"Kian don't tell Jodi about my plan to Mika,can you promise me?"I beg to Kian.

"Okay lad Nicky.I'm in control for that promise"I tapped his shoulder.

"You can rely on us Nicky don't worry"Brian said.

"Bri,you're gonna be my best man huh?"

"Ahh..yeah no problem for that Nicky"

"So what about us?"the three lads on chorus.

"Well you're gonna be my groomsmen of course!"

"Thank you lad you really treasure our friendship"

Shane said.

"Hmm..Your welcome Shane"

then Mark change the topic.

"So..it's settled..but before that Nicky we should find a work first because that's the source of our lives"

"I agree with Mark guys"Brian give a high five to Mark.

"Ahmm..presently I worked now in the Engineering department of my uncle"said Brian.

"Wow! that's cool! is there a need of Architect there Bri?"Kian asked Brian

"Yeah,if you want I want to recommend you in my uncle's Engineering department"

"Thanks Bri! you're such a good friend"said Kian while tapping the shoulder of Brian.

"Your welcome Kian!"

he continue how about you he was now facing the three of us.

"Well,I'm still searching for some work in the music industry"said Shane with a sigh.

"Don't worry about that Shaney there's some other time for that"Brian tapped Shane's shoulder for some comfort.

Then he turned to face me and Mark.

"Well,Bri,I'm now passed my application to some hotels here hopefully I will be interviewed and accepted soon."said Mark with a reliable smile in his face.

"Good. luck Mark!"

"Thanks Bri"

then he turned his attention to me.

"Well I'm newly passed the nursing board exam Bri so..I planned to passed my application tomorrow".

"Okay so let's. go inside now? the girls are waiting for us."we stand up then went inside Kian's house.

My Love (to see you once again) Nicky Byrne-FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now