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Souls perspective~

I got up and turned my arm back to its normal human form. And ran over to Maka, I bent down to check her pulse I was so relieved when I felt a small thump come from her neck. I pick her up and started running to doctor Steins as fast as I could even though her pulse was going it was small and almost gone. When I got to Steins Spirit was sitting down and when he saw Maka he jumped and started screaming "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY MA-" be for he could finish I ran past him and made him fall. I ran up the steps and laide Maka on the first bed I saw and started to scream for Stein. He came rolling in up to Maka and looked up and down her body and said, "Soul leave me to my work, you can't be in here." I was about to yell at him and say why not when Spirit came running in and now I know why Stein doesn't want me to be there. He wants me to stay out side and try and convert Spirit who was on his knees crying his eyes out by Makas bed. I got up and nodded at Stein and picked Spirit up and carried him out. He started kicking and yelling but I told him, "she's going to be fine and me and you both know you can't be in there breathing down Steins neck when he's trying to fix Maka up." He looked at me with anger and said, "how did it happen. Is she hurt cause you where to weak to protect her OR did you do that to my sweet sweet Maka!" I started to tear up a little at his words when I realized how true they where I was to weak she almost died and I wasn't strong enough to save her I looked up at Spirit and said the words I thought I would never say in years.

"Spirit I'm in love with your daughter. I WOULD NEVER DREAM IN HURTING HER!!!" Before I could say another word Spirits fist collided in to my face and started yelling. "How dare you say that! Maka is mine not yours you don't belong with her, you can't even protect her!!!!" I kicked him in the shin and stood over him yelling "WELL WHERE WERE YOU WHEN SHE WAS GETTING SLAMMED INTO A WALL!!!!!!!!!"

His eyes widened at what I said, he stood up and said "its not my job it's yours as her weapon." I cut him off and said "exactly she's mine to take care of now not yours, plus she hates you like crazy!" after that Stein came in the room and told us "that's enough Maka is fine she might have-" Spirit and I run pass Stein to where Maka was. I got there be for Spirit did and ran up to Maka and grabbed her hand and was fighting back the tears. When all of a sudden she screamed "WHO ARE YOU!!!! HELP!!!!!!" Spirit ran up to me and through me out of his way. "Daddy that guy with white hair was trying to attack me!!!!!!"

Stein came in turning the screw in his head, "like I was saying Maka is awake BUT she might have amnesia."

you can't have her to your self.  Soul X MakaWhere stories live. Discover now