Hosu City Attack (2/3)

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Jabdksbdksnskl 10k reads HOW??? Sorry I'm having a stroke. Thank you so much for you support everyone! I'll try to keep up the quality of this story to the best of my abilities.


Distracted, (M/N) ran into another figure.


Very unfortunately, the figure was none other than Midoriya Izuku, the aspiring teenager of class 1A, also the closest friend of (M/N)'s dear younger sister.

Upon seeing the male, (M/N)'s mind raced with different ways of getting out of this situation. Sadly, all of them involved either hurting Midoriya or telling the truth about his double life.

But before (M/N) could even say a word, he was bombarded with questions from the frantic freckled boy. Luckily, none of them implied Midoriya was already suspicious of the male.

"(M/N)?! Are you okay? How are you here? Why are you even in Hosu? Is Ochaco with you?" the boy rambled on and on about how unsafe Hosu currently is, the Nomu attacks and the presence of the Hero Killer: Stain in the city.

Using his rambling to buy him some time to think of an excuse, (M/N) confirmed his "story" and slapped a hand over Midoriya's mouth.

"Midoriya-san, calm down. I'm perfectly fine, can't you tell?" (M/N) gestured at himself, though he was covered with bits of soot, he wasn't injured particularly severe.

Even with the hand over his mouth, Midoriya was determined to keep asking, "But how and why are you here?"

(M/N)'s body trembled with guilt as he prepared himself for what he was about to do. Changing the pitch and tone of his voice, (M/N) now sounded like a true villain. With a deep, scratchy voice, filled to the brim with pride and arrogance. "Well, Midoriya-san..."

(M/N) paused, preventing Midoriya noticing the tremble in his voice. Tilting up Midoriya's head with a finger on his chin, (M/N) flashed him a devilish smirk, "That's because I'm not (M/N)!"


Even with Midoriya's quick reflexes, he was not able to dodge the incoming fist. It landed square on his cheek, causing him to stagger back due to shock and the impact.

Holding back the urge to throw up, (M/N) maintained the same evil expression. Gripping the front of Midoriya's outfit, (M/N) harshly pulled a dazed Midoriya into a neck lock. "My, aren't you just a naive little boy."

(M/N) taunted the struggling male. "You fell so easily for my trap. This quirk really does come in handy sometimes."

He let out an evil chuckle, but (M/N) momentarily panicked when Midoriya (still struggling and gasping for air) asked, "But... why (M/N) of all people?"

Brain racing to work, (M/N) quickly choked out a reply, "Oh, dear naive mind, (M/N) is the only close friend that you have where you don't know his current whereabouts. Naturally, of course, you wouldn't question, with suspicion, his sudden appearance in Hosu City, that is currently flooded with villain cases, as much as for your own class."

Looking down at the mess of green and black, (M/N) tightened his lock, glad that a neck lock was just a self defence move that wouldn't particularily harm the other. "Treat this incident as a valuable lesson, never be too trusting."

(M/N)'s forced smirk dropped when the sight of green electricity surrounded Midoriya, a shocking amount of power forced the two apart, sending the both of them flying to opposite ends of the alleyway. (M/N) couldn't help but feel proud.

Woowww! Good job, Midoriya. I have raised you well.

Regaining his composure, (M/N) shook his head and returned to his evil facade. "Wow, isn't that a flashy quirk, no wonder you are in the hero course."

Ochaco's Inspiration: Uraraka (M/N) (BNHA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now