Hosu City Attack (3/3)

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After Midoriya and Todoroki declared they never ending friendship in the most bad ass way possible in front of a villain, (M/N) felt the real guilt kick in.

What am I doing?

Oh, right.

I'm exploiting my friendship with the nicest people I have known. Reporting information on them to their literal enemies.

(M/N) felt as if a monster was eating its way through his insides.

"Two on one, huh... At least you're not naive" Stain said, breathing heavily.

(M/N) watched helplessly as Midoriya and Todoroki tried their best to fight off the villain. But his movements changed, faster, more agile. (M/N) could tell Modoriya was thinking the same thing as his shin was slashed by Stain.

Next to him, Iida struggled yet again, tears leaking out of his eyes as he tried to stop the two fighting. Weakly, he choked out, "Stop it... I can't take it."

His words seemed to hit a nerve in Todoroki, seconds later he shouted at Iida while shooting a wave of ice, "If you wanna stop this... then stand up!!"

Panicking when Midoriya was paralysed, (M/N) looked at Iida in his peripheral vision. "Watch out, Todoroki!" Sending his own mountain of raw diamond at Stain, it blocked the strike he had aimed at Todoroki.

Turning round temporarily to flash me a polite smile, he shouted at the shocked Iida, arm lighting up into flames.

"Never forget who you want to become!"

At that, Iida had a huge revelation, (M/N) could sense the inner struggle Iida is having on the inside, holding the same expression as he did only a year ago.

But Iida was different, he didn't succumb to the pain and let go, letting himself be dragged further into a dark hole of regret. He bent it, forcing it into his will as his head cleared. His true objective driving him to keep trying.

Soon, the paralysis wore off of him. His body rose from the ground, eyes sharp, looking directly at the Hero Killer, who only seemed annoyed at the released UA student.

A flash of fire caught (M/N)'s eye, Stain's blade aimed at striking Todoroki's arm. Quickly reacting, (M/N) attempted to protect Todoroki, but the diamond that shot out only made it halfway before it died, coming out as small, ragged shards of diamond. 

Frantic, (M/N) tried again, only for the same thing to happen, his arm went weak and numb. But he couldn't stop now, Todoroki is about to be-

"Recipro Burst!!!" with a sudden shout, Iida dashed forward, his right leg aggressively swung at Stain, so fast (M/N) couldn't keep up with his movements, only realising Iida's surprise attack when he saw Stain's body flying backwards.

Crying out, Midoriya and (M/N) called out to Iida gratefully, thankful for Iida's close save. But Iida's expression shows he felt anything but proud. Softly mumbling, "This had nothing to do with either of you, so I'm sorry. That is why, I swear I won't let you two lose anymore blood here."

Though kicked off to the side, Stain overheard what Iida had said, only to get incredibly agitated, his righteous moral causing him to disapprove of Iida's change. He refused to accept it, insulting Iida, "It's no use pretending." he said with hostility, "A person's true nature is not so easily changed. You are a fake who prioritized his own selfish desires, a cancer on this society warped by 'Heroes'. Someone needs to correct the system."

"So you are a fundamentalists? Get with the times." Todoroki cut in, we were all annoyed by what Stain had said about our dear friend. In my paralyzed state, I comforted the quiet Iida, "Iida, don't even think of listening to his so called reasonings. Don't let it get to yo-"

Ochaco's Inspiration: Uraraka (M/N) (BNHA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now