Chapter 4 I'll make it up to you ((slight smut and edited

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 Lol I'm tempted to add an I bet if I put sin in the title I would get like 100 views on the first part and then then next page would only have like 5 views or something, anyway comment down below if you want some sins. ((I still wanna actually put like smut in the title I feel I would get more views and I'm greedy))

I was so fucking fed up with Dutch's shit, that asshole couldn't make up his god damn mind! He has these stupid fucking plans that only fuck things up more. I turn my head and saw Dutch was very close to me now, I gave my horse a horse stimulant(I think that's what it's called) and I made it go faster. I rode all the way to van horn and put on my Bandana still wanted dead or alive because of Dutch and the Pinkertins. Speaking of pinkertins there's was so many they had completely taken over. "Go away or we will get caught" I couldn't tell Dutch was close by me so he was able to hear and he didn't listen he put a mask on and grabbed me off my horse. This caught a pinkertins attention, I quickly looked away so he wouldn't tell me to remove my Bandana and I told him him every thing was okay. Dutch got off his house and started walking into a bit of forest near by the horses followed us into there.

Dutch pulled off my Bandana and took his mask off when we were away and he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head against a tree. "Listen i had to talk with Micah! He has money and a lot of it we just need a little bit more time with him!" I stayed quiet and just stared on him as he explained what he did anytime someone called him out, he just said needed more time and money to take every one to Tahiti. But with everyone mostly gone he should be able to afford it and a big house there.

"Okay Arthur?! Money and time!" I snapped out of thought and just nodded and appearently that nod was me agreeing to go with Dutch and micah to finish up saint denis bank. "Wait you will help me?! I thought you hated Micah and robbing banks especially going back to the saint denis one" "WHAT?! I didn't AGREE to that! your fucking crazy you will get killed ten times over just trying to go there!" "Arthur, arthur clam down I have a pl-" "SCREW YOUR GOD DAMN PLAN DUTCH I CANT FUCKING LOOSE YOU BECAUSE THE SNAKE TOLD YOU A STUPID GOD DAMN THING THAT YOU THINK YOU CAN ACTUALLY PULL OFF! I CANT LOOSE YOU TO HIM!!" I grabbed Dutch and kissed his cheek and hugged him I fought myself to hold back tears, I shouldn't have said any of that! I've become weak or.. I just have fallen in love? No that sounds stupid I can't not with another guy especially not Dutch I just need to leave!

Dutch ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead. "Fine Arthur.. I didn't know you had cared this much" "of corse I do Dutch... I love you" Dutch looked a little shocked but he kissed me once again and held my face in his hands. "I love you to arthur.." I looks behind us and saw about a whole town full of pinkertins looking at us aiming there guns at us, I looked at Dutch and kissed him and held onto him. I saw Dutch pull his Gun out I grabbed mine and shot a bunch of them in the head and jumped on my horse and rode off with Dutch just behind me.

-Dutch's pov-

Pinkertins?! How the hell did these fuckers get there how the hell did they know it was us?! I shot at a few of them and tried staying up with Arthur how the hell is his horse beating the count?! I followed arthur until the pinkertins had given up then raced him back to camp. And I won I got off my horse and grabbed Arthur off his. I held his hand and walked to the tent with him and kissed him. "Arthur we need to get money some how but I don't know how, got any ideas?" "I uh.. I know a guy who can help us he's in Rodes." "Okay lets go get him then" "not now Dutch we almost just got killed!" Arthur seemed mad now I wish I knew why all I wanted to do is to get the money that would make us rich. We could then easily go we're ever we wanted to. "Dutch just... just go back to Micah he's waiting for you by the hitching station.." Arthur went into the tent well I ran back to micah.

"Micah, Arthur says he knows some one in Rhodes that can help us." "why are you listening to him Dutch? We just have to go back to saint denis! Sneak in then out!" "Arthur doesn't want to." "Well Arthur shouldn't be alive right now it doesn't really matter what he wants to do!" I slapped Micah and told him to get the fuck out and I walked back to the tent and saw Arthur on the floor coughing. I ran to arthur and picked him up. "It's okay arthur I'm here.." I rubbed his back and waited till he was done coughing and when he was he pushed me down and went onto of me to be honest I was kinda curious what he was doing so I let him. Arthur tried unbuckling my pants I stopped him though, "Arthur what are you doing?" "Dutch I need you.. I don't want to die not being able to try this.." I looked arthur and smirked I kissed his head. "Fine"

-third person pov-

Dutch has unbuckled his pants and lit a cigar he started smoking as Arthur went between his legs

Lol imma stop here please leave in the comments tell me if I should keep or scrap the sin also rn I'm still not editing so sorry ((lol now I am yayyyyyyyy .-.))

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Where stories live. Discover now