Chapter 15

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I unpunished the part 15 cause some of the pictures are from some one else and although I highly doubt they would read my story (pukao senpai is way too good for this .~_~.) anyway I feel it's wrong to have their art on here if they don't know and it was given credit to a art thief that I thought was them sooo yeah also again I'm sorry I brang so many extra people along on here I couldn't just leave jony boi and his family and Charles and sadie the others I will miss too but I can't bring every one so..  also I don't know any thing about geography so I have no clue how long it takes them to get there and how they need to  go I'm just some dirty minded fanficer shouldn't expect much from me.

warning; rape and drugging

-Arthur's pov-

It had been only a few days in the damned boat and every one is mad and on edge, it's way to cramped and everyone is hungry too. I looked around before finding Dutch sitting at the back of the boat reading, I sat down next to him and looked over his shoulder to see what it was. All there was is drawings, I thought it was my journal at first but realized mine was in my pocket and I had never drew those. The drawings also looked a bit more, disformed? Or we'll uneven. I looked at Dutch to see him smiling at the drawing, it was just a drawing of some guy. I kept looking back down at the drawing looking and seeing some familiar things from the man, the hat clothing his gun and the pose he was in. "Is that me?" Dutch nodded and looked at me, "I know it's not that good but I liked your drawings and I wanted to try" I smiled and hugged Dutch "it looks amazing!" I kissed Dutch's cheek and ent down to his neck, now softly nipping at it.

Dutch slightly laughed and pushed away "not now arthur not we'll were on this boat" i sigh and nod, kissing his neck one last time before walking around more finding John sitting at a table with Charles, Abigal and jack. They seemed to be talking about what they would do and where they would stay when they got there, I didn't want to seem creepy and stalkerish so I went to leave before feeling some one grab my shoulder. I turned to seem one of the crew men, he looked upset and pulled me to a corner away from everyone. "What's wrong?" He looked at me and scowled "one of yah is talking bad to the crew, and I know it's you!" I looked at him growing more and more confused, "what do you mean? I wouldn't and I don't want to cause trouble an I'd dont believe the others would." He growled and slapped me "don't lie to me!" I held my cheek trying to hold myself back from punching him, Dutch told me I had to stay calm and be nice no matter what. "I didn't do anything.." the man grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and started stomping down to the lower deck, it was empty and he brought me into a storage unit. He pinned me against the walls still glaring, he looked like a dog with rabies ready to snap at any second.

His glare turned to a smirk, his eyes filled with lust and he bit my neck. I tried pushing away only to get pushed down, he grabbed a chain hooked onto the roof, it looked like it was made for holding up boxes and such. He grabbed my arms locking them in the chains, "LET ME THE FUCK GO!" I squrimed and quietly whined looking at the fucked up man, "aww come on~ you look so pretty~" I growled and kicked him trying to get him off. He grabbed my leg and held it up "we're going to have so much fun with you~" he kissed my neck well pulling my pants off I squirmed has kicked yelling as loud as I could. I looked around trying to see if anyone was coming down because they heard me, but no one... I looked back at the man before getting a rag shoved in my face and I started feeling sick I soon started falling asleep.

((Um here's where the rape is so like Stay away if this is too much also sorry if it's bad I'm a bit uncomfortable ig))

-3rd person pov-

The man started undressing Arthur throwing his clothes off to the side. He kissed down Arthur's side and grabbed hold of his member "god this guy is so fucking hot." He started stroking Arthur's member and watch it twitch slightly. He softly kissed Arthur's chest and neck. He turned Arthur over and started striping, looking around every few minutes to make sure no one was around. He slowly thrusted kissing and biting Arthur's neck with every thrust, "g-god he's fucking tight~" he drooled speeding up and continually stroking Arthur's member. He sped up again soon reaching his climax a bit too fast for a average adult, he pulled out drooling. he let Arthur down kissing his chest and dressed him, he got dressed himself.

((The sin is over))

He ran back upstairs to meet a very concerned and pissed looking Dutch,John,Charles,Javier and Bill. He backed up and looked back before being grabbed by Dutch and dragged up  to the end of the boat, then thrown off. Dutch ran down stairs kissing Arthur and picking him up. "I'm so sorry.." Dutch ran to the rooms and set Arthur down and cuddled up with him, not ready to leave his side. He shook him slightly making Arthur yawn quietly looking up at a scared Dutch. "What happened?.." Dutch's eyes widen and he kissed Arthur's forehead, "some fucked up woman kidnapped you.. but I have you now" Arthur nodded and hid his face into Dutch's chest. "Dutch I love you" dutch smiles "I love you too" he kissed Arthur's forehead and hugged him pulling him closer. "I'm not letting you leave my side until we're there" Arthur chuckles and kisses Arthur "of corse you won't" Arthur sighed looking at Dutch and kissing his neck and grinding against him. Dutch looked at him confused "your still horny after that?" He looked away blushing not saying a thing. Dutch rolled his eyes kissing his head "I still said none of that well were on the boat" Arthur whines nodding and shoving he head deep into Dutch's chest "I love you so much asshole!" Dutch smirked and kissed Arthur's head "again I love you too"

Boom happy ending 👌 imma make them go to Tahiti next chapter k wanted to make like the next three them and their problem on the boat but nah I'm too lazy for that shit

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Where stories live. Discover now