Chapter 7 ((edited))

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Gotta love having a headache .-. Um also if any of you got a discord and would like to text me and give me recommendations or possibly rp Dutch x Arthur or something else just leave a comment ((damn I'm fuckin lonely and I sounds so needy XD))

-Arthur's pov-

I walked out of the tent and listened in to hear micah and the rest wanted me dead or just gone, Dutch was trying to fight for me but I didn't want him to get yelled at because of me. So I lead my horse slightly away from camp and mounted up I made the horse speed up and sat loosely in the saddle letting the wind brush over my face, It's weird how people you can be so close to can suddenly want you dead or hurt. Especially how long You have known them, and it just takes a second for them to turn.

I hitched up my horse when I was at strawberry. Strawberry was quite a bit of ways from camp, or well Micah's camp it's not really Dutch's camp for me anymore Micah has made that clear.

I walked into the general store picking up some food like apples classic oat packs and more, I walked out and fed my horse then went into the saloon, hopefully I'm helping Dutch by doing this. If I stay away he won't get yelled at and he can't get tuberculosis.

I ordered a whiskey but before the bartender had the chance to pour me a shot I heard a familiar famale voice, "Arthur?!" I turned around to see Sadie, "sadie? I thought you would be long gone far far away from this hell hole." "And I thought you would be dead now get over here!" Sadie pulled me into a hug making me cough a bit, "you sure I ain't already dead?" "Oh please athur you would probably die 100 times over before actually peacefully laying in your grave" I laughed quietly and hugged Sadie back and turned back to the bartender afterward then handed her theshot of whiskey and ordered myself another.

"So are you still with Dutch or do you have a place of your own?" I felt my face heat up slightly "I uh.. I just left actually Micah doesn't want me there and I don't want Dutch to be yelled at because of me..." "wait he's actually sticking up for you?" "Yeah..." "you shouldn't have left him then! You should get him and take him with you and remake the gang with out micah bill and Javier!" "Sadie.. that's not going to happen you should know that." "Sorry I just, it's hard seeing us fall apart especially when I had just started liking it." "Yeah, I wouldn't have expected it to fall apart but maybe for all of us to be in some sort of fight and go down in a honorable way together and not just fight and break apart"

After a while of me and sadie talking she told me about a few bounties she had seen and asked if I would like to help with a few, which I gladly agreed on doing. I needed the money and I needed to do something, I had been cooped in that god damn tent for to long I haven't experienced any real danger.

Me and sadie left the saloon and mounted up and started riding up over to valentine knowing are guy was living by valentine. I hitched my horse at a small wooden cabin and saw sadie stayed back, she was actually going to let me take them head on? I thought she thought I was to sick for this? Oh well I'm happy with it and perfer to go in instead. I walked in and pulled out my pistol aiming my gun at two men, "which on if you is -insert name-?!" They both pulled there guns at me and I tackled one and hogtied him and did the same to the other then pulled them out to sadie, which one is it? She shot one so I grabbed the one she left alive and walked over and set it on her horse and mounted up. "This feller going to valentine?" "Yeah" me and sadie started riding up there and turn him in and I got 90$ out of it she got 95$ I rather her have more she needs to help Tilly,Mary,Beth,Jack,Abigal and John. "Thanks sadie" "np just, take care of your self, if you need anywhere to go I heard abigal and John are trying to go into different places with new names so they can have a new life you should go with them." "I..I would like to but I have things I need to do but thanks again it's nice seeing you"

I rode back to strawberry and took a bath almost falling asleep in it, I have Been getting way more tired recently. I got up and went to my room and started coughing a lot but soon drifted off to bed. After about and hour I woke up and noticed some on was holding me, it freak me out until I noticed it was Dutch. But how and why was he here? I tapped him and when he woke up he pinned me to the bed and kissed me and started putting his hands up my shirt and started rubbing a small bulge in my pants. "D-Dutch?!" "Hello Arthur I'm glad to see your excited" "w-what are you doin' Dutch?!" "Well I saw you left and I wanted to help you and make you feel welcome" "Well this isn't the way to do so." I pushed away from Dutch and changed.

Dutch got up and got dressed and followed me to the general store and then to the saloon, "why are yah fallowing me Dutch?" "Well I uh.. I want to stay with you and Micah decided him and his men needed to get money and they made me stay behind. "So your actually only here because you had nothing else to do." "No arthur no I love you so much and had wanted to be by you..." "bullshit" I storm away from Dutch and mounted my horse before feeling some one wrap their hands around me, it felt nice and I felt secure but I didn't want to be by Dutch, it pissed me off that he could easily make me a blushing mess. I was lifted off my horse and kissed many times. "Dutch stop please, you said you didn't want to do this in public.. people are looking." "I changed my mind and they can look as much as they want!" Dutch grabbed my wrists with one hand extending them over my head and pinning me well kissing me. "Arthur I love you so much and I'm not going to let some town or Micah ruin this." "My disease might though" "arthur be hopeful someone will come up with a cure soon, I promise" I coughed a bit and wiped the blood on my coat, "Yeah sure they will"

I sorta tried doing a different style idk how it is tho and i still don't wanna edit so sorry ((i edited this before and it deleted so yeah I didn't have much interest in editing today so it's not as -goodish??- edited as normal 

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Where stories live. Discover now