Chapter 12 hello Again (small valentine special)

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okay so I didn't wanna end my fanfic so I'm just making Arthur get all healed up cause he is best boi also this is a Valentine's Day special thing

-About a week later Arthur's pov-

Me and Bill have been riding out together  looking for some deer before we saw a wagon that looked like it was filled up with money, I looked at bill and smirked. I put my Bandana on and rode in front of the wagon making it stop. I pulled everyone off and robbed them and sent them running Well me and Bill emptied the rest of it, "This is a  private wagon so no one should be guarding it or know if it's gone and I know a place that we can sell this." He nods and we got into the wagon and started riding  to emerald ranch and once there we sold the wagon and got 80$ for it and we got 150$ from in the wagon. Me and Bill rode to Rodes and bought some food there and went back to camp.

I was greeted by Javier and told to follow him I walked to Dutch's tent and opened it to see sadie Adler there and John  talking to Dutch, I smiled and hugged John and Sadie. "Hey arthur!" Sadie hugged back as John slowly hugged back not as happy as Sadie. "Why are you all here?" John sighed and looked at me "there's a big bounty on some one his bount is up too 10,000$ but he has a huge gang and me and sadie needed help getting him.." "why are you going for such a high bounty?" John looked down embarrassed "I uh.. I made a few bets with people and lost.." I smirked slightly "you always were bad with luck" I sat next to Dutch and held his hand making sure Sadie and John couldn't see. "So can we help them Dutch?" He nodded and wrapped his fingers around mine and smiled at me, I looked away and blushed "w-when should we go?" John and sadie looked at each other and smiled and looked at me and Dutch "well how about two hours also me and John were planning on going to saloon with Bill and Javier maybe you and Dutch should stay together"

-3rd person pov-
Arthur looked at Dutch blushing a lot more as Sadie walked out with John slightly laughing. Dutch picked up Arthur kisses his neck and shoving his hands into Arthur's shirt, "I love you arthur~" Dutch slowly undressed Arthur and kissed him. Arthur moaned quietly and held onto to Dutch before John walked in to grab his hat and saw what was going on, his eyes widen and he quickly grabbed his hand and ran out. Arthur's face went completely red and he pushed away from Dutch and re dressed himself. "Lets just ask if we can go now" Dutch sighed and nodded "Alright let's go.." Arthur looked up at Dutch and kissed him "I promise we can finish after we get this bounty Alright?" Dutch smiled and kissed back "Fine but first were going to Tahiti" Dutch and Arthur laughed quietly and held one another's hand and kissed once again before going out to John,Sadie,Bill and Javier who were mounting up. "Mind if we go to the saloon with you guys" Arthur stared mounting up, "yeah sure." Dutch mounted up onto the same horse as Arthur letting the count have a small break. They rode for a while before they made it to a canyon and dismounted "we will have to be careful"

-Dutch's pov-
I grabbed Arthur and pulled him close slowly regretting having Arthur come with us. I looked down to see the canyon almost complete full of men guarding and I pulled out a few sticks of tnt and handed them all to Arthur. "I'll have Arthur throw some tnt down there and we will come from the back so when they run we're right there" Arthur glared and looked at me and everyone else "I'm fine though! I don't understand why I need to stay back!" Bill grabbed Arthur and glared at him "for one you have a bunch of wounds two your not fine you know you have coughing fits twenty for seven now get up there and wait for us to signal for you to throw!"  I sighed and agreed with Bill John didn't look to pleased though.

We walked down to were they would all be running and mounted up in case they were going to ride off, I saw Arthur watching us and waved to him signaling for him to go. He threw ten sticks of tnt Hitting all the heavily guarded areas and strongest looking men Well me Sadie John Bill and Javier ran in killing anyone who tried leaving and anyone else that was alive. Arthur watched and was about to mount up but he started having a coughing fit and he was grabbed from behind. That's when I rode over to see arthur was gone but a bloody knife was left and his horse was still there, someone had took them and their going to regret it! I got Bill and Javier to come with me as Sadie and John turned in our bounty.

We followed a trail up to a cabin it looked like a new gang they were like the skinner brother though, but they had bodies hanging everywhere and they were alive. But they looked like they had been there for days some months. We cut some people down and went in to see arthur with a collar around his neck and his shirt off with different burns and cuts in his body, Arthur looked like he was tired out and had been fighting back the whole time. I ran over and shoot the man holding arthur in the head 7 times before a bunch of men came out from different hiding spots and started shooting at us. Bill and Javier killed Well I got arthur out of the collar and untied him and wrapped his wounds, I picked him up and ran outside with Bill and Javier and rode back to camp. I set arthur on my bed and started to treat his wounds more before I found a weird bottle of pills in Arthur's pants pocket, "these must be what's helping him.. I haven't seen him coughing as much.." I kissed Arthur's head and held him "I love you" arthur hugged back and seemed to fall asleep in my arms.

-arthur pov-

I woke up in Dutch's arms and hugged him I felt a sharp pain in my side and looked down to see it wrapped up and I pushed my face into Dutch's chest and sighed. "I love you dutch.." I felt Dutch pull me closer and kiss my head, I looked around and saw Javier and bill talking with John and Sadie outside of the tent. Once they saw me looking at them they walked into the tent and gather around me and itch "are you alright arthur?" John looked at me he looked so upset I know he was mad about how he had talked to me before but I don't like it when he looks this sad...

I looked at John and smiled "I'm not dead yet so I'd say I'm okay" he chuckled quietly and smiled, "Yah know one day your going to loose that sense of humor of yours and you won't be making jokes about you almost dying" I smirked and laughed "your just saying that cause your mad I ain't bed ridden and I had two big attacks and when you had a few big dogs attack you, you couldn't do shit for a month." John rolled his eyes and smiled painfully "now why would I be jealous I only got hurt once and I got a break?" "Cause you've always hated waiting around" I hid my face into Dutch's chest laughing quietly to myself, John gets so mad so easily and Dutch is so damn comfy! I looked back up but was pulled back into Dutch and kissed I kissed Dutch back and smiled and laid my head into his chest. Dutch soon got up leaving me on the bed alone and pulled everyone out of the roomnd I heard some laughed and seeming excited giggles and such before Dutch walked back in and helped me up. "Mind if we take a walk together" "sure if you tell me why they all seemed happy" Dutch smiled at me and kissed my head "oh you will know if you walk with me."

Dutch grabbed my hand and we started walking to a cliff we stopped some times to pick a few special flowers but when we stopped Dutch never told me why we needed to stop for flower and if he did say something he would only say stuff like "you will know soon" or he would kiss me. We stopped at the top of the hill and sat down I looked back and saw the camp it was hard to see it but I could see four figures watching us. I looked over the cliff and saw the sun was setting I turned back to Dutch and he was on one knee holding a ring out "A-arthur Morgan will you marry me?" I sat there for a second and hugged him tightly and kissed him "of corse!" He hugged me back and I leaned my head on his shoulder and kissed him. I hugged him him and didn't let go, we ended up staying there for about an hour before walking back and being congratulated.

John smiled at me "it's weird to think the younger you would ever end up marrying Dutch but now it's nice to know you got some one." I smiled and hugged John "Thank you.." I let go and smiled again and looked over at Dutch and hugged him again "i love you!!" Dutch stumbled back a bit and smiled and kissed my head "I love you too arthur..." Javier looked at us and smirked "I never thought I'd see the day Dutch was head over heels for some one again." Dutch glared slightly and looked down at me "can me and Arthur have some private time?" I looked up at Dutch and blushed a lot "d-Dutch no I want to sleep.." he groaned quietly and sighed "fineee.." he kissed my head once again and walked me to the tent

Okay um some one either texted or said in the comments they should get married and I wanted to do it for a small special and I'm planning on doing a hank x Conner or Markus x Simon or Reed900 idk um hopefully I stay focused on this though

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon