Chapter 17 aren't you dead? (Edited)

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Lol who would have thought -blank- had a son ready to avenge his dad also um when I do 'hi' we're it's just '' it means mental talk and well you guys know "" is real talk

-time skip Arthur's pov-

It has been a few hours and me and Dutch had searched the ship we had found a shipment of the pills, they were labeled to go somewhere else though. We never questioned it assuming they would just drop us off and then go, but we were wrong.

-now time Arthur's pov-

Me and Dutch had slept together that night, I hadn't and still don't want to be apart from him, well on this ship at least. Dutch has been the one of the only good things for me here, the others are very nice and supportive, but if Dutch wasn't here. I'd probably, no I definitely, would be dead on that cliff...

I looked at Dutch, slightly nudging him. I wanted to get dinner, although the food they had here was mostly stale bread and different types of soup. I was still hungry and couldn't deny food. Even if it really didn't seem like it should be consumed. I sighed realizing he wouldn't wake up so easily, I would have to mentally prepar to get hungry later on. I laid down and felt arms around me, as I got pulled closer to Dutch. I pushed on him trying to get out of his grip, but soon stopped. It felt nice being held by him, he was so... strong,caring,warm and I felt protected and wanted by him. If I had not met Dutch my dad probably would have killed me by now, or I'd end up like my dad 'Lyle Morgan, a murder killer and rapist hung at valentine.' I turned to Dutch, he had one eye opened and he was smirking. "You were awake you ass!" I pushed him and was pulled into his chest, then covered with kisses. "You need to shave!" I pulled myself up, going against Dutch's strong grip.

"Aww come on Arthur, you know you love me and my mustache." I rolled my eyes, and stopped pushing against him and was pulled back down into Dutch's chest. "Seriously?" I mumbled, slightly shoving my head deeper down onto his chest. "yep, now let's go get dinner" I nod and get up putting on a clean shirt and walking up stairs with Dutch, "you didn't brush you hair you look messy." Dutch rolled his eyes and put on his hat, covering the rest of his messed hair. "I guess that works." I kissed his cheek and walked up, I got myself dinner and walked back down with Dutch, shoving the bread into my mouth and eating very fast, wanting to quench my hunger. Getting the gross food gone, as soon as possible.

Dutch looked at me laughing quietly, "and I can't go up there cause my hair is messy, but you can pig down your food, and that's fine?" I blushed slightly from embarrassment. "Well I'm trying to get this gross food over with, you know you would do the same if you hadn't just called me out for it!" He kept laughing messing up my hair by petting my head, "your adorable." I looked away even more embarrassed then before. "Y-your messing up my hair" Dutch cupped my cheeks, making me look back at him. He was smiling and his eyes reflected the light, god he looked amazing. "Dutch..." he smiled again and kissed my head. "Please don't ever leave me." I nodded and kissed his cheek.

-small time skip-

Me and Dutch had finished dinner an hour ago and he made a bet that, I couldn't catch a good fish well the boat was going. I had been fishing for the past 30 minutes and caught a lot of good fish, but I wanted to fill the bucket to rub it in, that I could do it. After a while I walked over to Dutch showing him the bucket, he smiled, "I knew you could do it!" "No you didn't other wise you wouldn't have made me get one to prove." He smirked "no, I knew you could I just wanted good food and you got us it, I knew your competitive os you would get a lot more then one." I froze and looked at him. " oh fuck you" I walked away and gave the fish to a chef in the boat. I walked to my bed and laid down, picking up a book dutch had been reading. I started reading it and got comfortable.

The book was about a boy and a dog, he had a horribly, abusive relationship with his father, as his mother had passed. 'Every word I read I felt and related to the book further', the father was abusive and liked hurting the boy and making fun of him, he used the boy for work and to steal for him. I froze slightly shuttering, at some old memories and just how relatable the book was. I continued on reading, the dad admitted to hurting the child and when he got caught doing illegal trade, well drunk. The boy was told to leave the house, no one took him in and no one helped him, he lived alone and camped before running into a man well stealing. I set the book down as I heard foot prints, I put the book back to the page Dutch had it on and wrapped myself in the blanket. As Dutch or who I had thought was Dutch walked in, I got picked up. I assume the man thought I was asleep, I could tell it wasn't Dutch, as he carried me out of the room. I didnt fight I wanted to see what was going on. I saw a gun in the mans hand and closed my eyes trying to hold back my breathing, scared the slightest of movements would get me shot.

I felt the man set me down on a floor, I opened my eyes to see his face right by mine, I back away and tried getting away only to be pulled back. He smirked "good to see your awake" I glare "what the hell do you want from me?!" He pet my head "I don't just want some thing from you, I got all your friend~ I got that girl, Sadie? I think it is and what seems to be your leader, Dutch. My heart sank hearing him say he had Dutch. "What the hell do you want from us?! I ain't done nothin' to you!" He smirked "well you have done things to my father, the three of you. Also your bounties, there quit high in black water~ I'd like to see you swing just like how you let my dad." Who are you even talking away?! Who's your dad?" He looked down hissing quietly, "well... my dad and your leader have a bad history, Dutch killed his brother and he killed Dutch's woman.." I looked at him now shocked. "Colm?! Your a fucking O'Driscoll?!" He looked up and punched me I grabbed his hand and went to throw him down before feeling something around my leg, I realized it was a chain. I was chained to the fucking floor! I punched him and slammed his head down before he got away, "you killed my father!" "All I did was take away his escape crew!"

-time skip-

I was tired hungry and beaten, though I had gotten colm's son to reveal his name, Alex. Alex had told me everyone had left me Dutch and Sadie were the only ones on from the group, I didn't want to believe it but I slightly wished it was true, other than the fact Dutch and Sadie were here too. I would probably die soon they still had some years ahead of them. I looked up seeing a 'crew member' who was really just a O'Driscoll dressed in rags, that's probably all they can afford. I looked up at him and was punched in the face and forced to eat a stale bread and some water, I assume they are trying to keep me alive for torture, money, question or all of those. I looked down, coughing and choking on the bread. "Where is Dutch?..." the man said nothing and laughed looking at me with a evil grin. "I'll tell you if you do me a favor~" I shivered slightly and looked away, I started crying I couldn't help it. All I could think of was Dutch and i needed to make sure Dutch is safe, I couldn't do that though... "please just tell me, I can't leave it's not like I can do anything to get him." The man thought and looked at me "he's where you got taken before, the same day one of the crew members went missing." I cringed slightly remembering the other man.

I watched as he left the room and looked at my foot that was locked down, I grabbed a nearby rock who started hitting it over and over trying to break it. I was still was scared and I missed a few times, hitting my foot and making it bleed. I had dented the chain making it loose. My foot was soon covered in blood, the blood acted like a lubricant. I pulled my foot out of the chain and left the room.

Okay so I edited this and it still has extra works but probably less cause I deleted a lot of stuff

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Where stories live. Discover now