Chapter 6 horses and behaviors (edited)

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Ahhhh it has 100 reads already ((I mean it is fan fic sooo)) also you guys are so nice! Thank you for being supportive and I'm gonna try updating still but I got sick so I had a headache yesterday so sorry! ((Lol I'm so apologetic at times

-Arthur's pov-

It had been a few hours and I started walking around looking for anything. All I could find was a old pistol on the ground with 15 bullets in it, I still had my lasso though and I tried looking for anything else, train tracks, horses hell just a god damn water source I had left everything behind. Luckily I had my money with me though so if I ever do find a town I can rent a room and get myself food and a horse.

About 30 minutes later I found a wild horse I highly doubt I could actually sneak over to it I could hardly stop coughing today, I needed food and water but instead I'm in one of the hottest places ive ever been to with a heavy outfit. I know I'm supposed to be in some were dry but this is a little bit much. I sneaked down and pulled out my lasso and I actually got it! But that's doesn't mean really anything yet, I got closer to the horse calming it and trying to get close enough to mount it.

I eventually grabbed on to its back and lifted my self up onto the horse mounting it. I held onto it trying my hardest to not be bucked off, the horse kicked and turned a lot but soon gave into me and started letting me ride it. But instead of riding it I hitched up the horse to a near by tree and I saw some wild carrots and picked some then I went back on. I had them just so I could feed the horse and my self if I was ever that hungry.

-Dutch's pov-

Micah was talking about how we should sneak into the bank but everything he said was just blurry to me I couldn't understand and I couldn't stop thinking about what I had to arthur and when I should go get him. I wanted to help my camp/family but Arthur is apart of it too and I fear he's right about Micah, I've seen so many Pinkertins some on the rooftops that are trying to guard but I'm positive they know we're here. "Micah, were not doing this every one back to camp now!" "Dutch what are you doing?!" "I'm making sure we don't get hurt we're all going back to camp" "Dutch they will fix up the bank complete soon we have to do this today!" "Micah I said we're going back!" Javier bill and even Micah's friend rode back micah soon followed but I rode away from them I tried finding Arthur.

I saw him on a horse a few hours away I lassoed him of the horse knowing if I just called him he wouldn't care and if he had done what I had done I wouldn't care either. I walked over to him and untied him and grabbed him, "Arthur I'm sorry.." arthur tried punching and kicking he's like a child having a tantrum, I just held him close and kissed him. I let go of him and looked at him he looked very upset and hurt and I felt so guilty I wish I would have never done this I loved arthur.. and I was the one who hurt him.

-Arthur's pov-

Dutch fucking left me and now lassoed me off my horse and is trying to get me to feel sorry for him?! He did look like he wanted to apologize but still! I pushed and I kicked but he just hugged me and I didn't want to hurt him so I ended up needing to stop in fears of hurting him. Once I had stopped he looked at me , it just it was weird he looked like he wanted to hurt him self for what he had done. "Dutch are, are you okay? You look a little too upset." He didn't say anything and just hugged me again, I hugged back and kissed him.

After a while me and Dutch rode back to camp Micah looked straight at me and grabbed out a gun I grabbed mine out and aimed for Micah's head before Dutch told me to put my gun away. He also made Micah put away his and he walked over to micah and started talking to him leaving me there by a mad bill and Javier. I just walked past them to Dutch's tent and sat down and sketched. After a bit Dutch walked in and kissed me then sat next to me. "What are you making there arthur" I showed him the sketch I was making. It was a sketch of me and him riding the count, he seemed to like it even though it wasn't finished. I laid my head on Dutch's shoulder and went back to sketching and noticed he seemed a bit jumpy but I didn't think much of it and continued sketching.

I finished and put my sketch book away, "so uh, did you and Micah get enough money to get the hell outta here?" "Not exactly.." "what why not, what happened?" "We went back so I could get you" I still find it dumb he even tried going to saint denis but now I'm slightly happy he left me other wise he probably would be dead I know the old idiot is smart and charming but he wouldnt have been able to talk his way out of that.

"Hey Dutch" "yes Arthur?" "Do you ever actually think we will make it out of here?" Dutch looked at me and seemed slightly upset. "Yes arthur I believe we will we just need to try harder and get a little bit more money." "Okay..." I looked away and started coughing and choking I covered my mouth and pulled my hands away and my hands were covered in blood I felt my self start to shake and fall over and soon everything went black. I could see weird flash's of some sort of deer before waking up to yelling. I looked around and saw micah and Dutch fighting and bill and Javier seemed to be on Micah's side.

Omfg I made this and then fell asleep half way through this for like three hours so I already wasted time and didn't still don't wanna edit I'm sorry ((editing now and I'm so bored so like I highly doubt some ones actually gonna reread this or read this and think yeah I'll do that but I got a discord tumblr and Twitter and no friends so tell me if you would like to text me

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Where stories live. Discover now