EChapter 8 miracles are a dream ((edited

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I kinda wanna have some one get a cure because I don't want to stop writing but I see the views go down a lot so I think I might just go back and edit my story parts completely and try making it sound better for one or two days and soon maybe kill off arthur idk tho hopefully if I edit and I make it more appealing people will stay? ((Lol I don't know if it's more appealing but I edited))

-Arthur's pov also time skip-

I woke up next to Dutch and walked around our room checking for my new journal it had been missing all night and I promised myself I would get it back today. I checked every drawer every pocket on my pants and coat even Dutch's things, but no sign of it still. I don't know how it could have possibly just disappeared like that, I know I had it! I looked around some more before giving up and walking to the saloon. I needed something to eat before I tried searching for it again. I ordered some stew and a shot of whiskey, I took the shot and guzzled down the strew, I was really hungry and it reminded me of Pearson's cooking.

I ended up walking back to the room and looked at Dutch, he was quit a sight, he just looked peacefull and calm and he seemed happy, this was how he use to be. I put my hat on a desk and walked to my horse and brushed it and fed it a carrot then proceeded to mount up. I looked around and started riding my horse and sped up. I liked letting the cold breeze brush over my face, and the smells of crisp apples. The sents of different were in the air. I tried tracing the sent of the apples but ever sense I got sick I've been bad at it and at this point the only scents I could get was a bunny next to me and a squirrel even though there was a deer not to far I could see. God I wish I would have never hunted down Mr.Downs he was a good man and I wouldn't be in this situation I would be happy at camp and I would have stopped Micah!

-third person pov-

The horse stayed on the path leaving arthur to think about his choices he thought about Dutch, the gang John, Abigal, Jack and tilly and Mary Beth. He soon snapped out of thought and rode farther away. He coughed and choked but didn't tell the horse to stop he took in the air making him cough more he slowed the horse and got off. He sat down on a rock near by and started breathing heavily until he felt a gun to his head, "Hello black lung" "Micah..." the gun traced over some of arthurs features before micah picked him up. "Back on the hill Arthur, you were supposed to die. I just want to fix a little bit of messed u-" Arthur's horse bucked knocking over Micah giving arthur enough time to pull his gun out and shoot Micah he shot quickly only hitting Micah's leg. He mounted his horse feeding it hay, then started riding back to Dutch. This time not caring if he needed to breath and pushing his horse to the limit and petting it as it ran.

After the horse came to a hard stop because it was to tired arthur got off and started leading the horse, he walked back there and hitched the horse giving it another piece of hay then running in and shaking Dutch awake. "Dutch, dutch!" Arthur was panting and wheezing but desprate to awake Dutch. He shook harder and saw no signs of Dutch waking up to that anytime soon, so he grabbed out some creeping thyme a common herb he found that taste absolutely awful and shoved it down Dutch throat and that woke him up."Dutch we need to go! Micah just tried killing me and he's mad now and will be way less kind now!" Arthur yelled at Dutch and also mumbling "as if he ever actually was kind." Just adding more tension between him and Dutch. "Arthur you need sleep micah isn't bad he's just, special" "he ain't special Dutch! Open your god damn eyes for once! Or choose me or Micah?"

-Dutch's pov-

Was he really going to make me choose? This is probably Just him getting jealous of Micah. Micah told me arthur was he told me arthur had been getting more rude towards Micah sense stawberry! I want to keep my gang but Arthur I loved him and I doubt he would ever talk to me again if I choose Micah and Micah wouldn't know. Wait no arthur doesn't deserve to be picked he just probably lied about Micah and made me pick who I wanted if he had cared he wouldn't be jealous and would trust me, he's also going to die soon anyway. He also will just bring me down I need to focus on my future and Arthur isn't well enough to be apart of it. But Arthur has been with me for well years and I can't leave him! God why does he have to do this right now?! 

I looked at Arthur and hugged him "I-I'm sorry" I could feel his body tense up and him pushing away, "what do you mean your sorry?! Your fucking choosing a god damn rat over me Dutch! You ain't sorry you ain't never been sorry!" He grabbed his hat and stormed off I just watched him leave the room guilt flooding me with new found thoughts of "what if" or "if I had said this instead" thoughts filled my head.

"I'm just trying to survive... Arthur will leave me and I can't be alone..." I repeated this over and over again till I was numb to the words. I walked to the saloon ordering as many whiskeys as I could. I kept going until I couldn't think straight, most of the time I make sure no one sees me in this drunk state but I didn't care anymore! I left the bar and mounted the count. With out telling them were to go the horse took off toward the camp. I patted my horse as I started to see the camp, they had some one tied up I couldn't quite make out the face but Micah was kicking him and punching him along with his men and bill, Javier seemed uncomfortable doing so. I got off and walked over to ses Micah kicking a beaten up arthur automatically my guilt drowned me. How could I let arthur leave?! If I would of choose him he would be okay. 

I pushed Micah to the side and untied Arthur drunkenly stumbling towards my tent with him, " I'm sorry arthur I'm so sorry" my words were slurred and I assume hard to make out. I pulled arthur into bed and set him down soon feeling some sort of warm liquid on my hands I looked and saw blood all over them  and saw a stab wound in his chest. I immediately pulled his shirt and coat  off and started wrapping the wound and putting some pressure to it. I kissed Arthur's head and listened to him groan in pain, I wish I could have told him to stay with me and I would protect him. Micah isn't bad he just.. he doesn't like Arthur and there had to be a reason micah did this he wouldn't just hurt him. I trust micah he helped me I just wish him and Arthur would get along.

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum