Chapter 16 "I cant swim!" ((edited))

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Okway so um if anyone skipped the sin I assume they already know it's rape so um yeah and I like really wanted to make the title called "overboard" then have "I can't swim!" Too but I feel that's a bit extra ig.

-Arthur's pov-

I had been sleeping with Dutch. Me and him haven't moved for a long time, only really moving to get closer to one another or to get dinner, Abigail got it for us a lot of the time though, and Dutch didn't like me being away from really at all even if it's to use the bathroom, or to talk with some one. "Arthur your shaking what's wrong?" I snapped out of though and looked up at Dutch, then laid my head on his shoulder, "I'm just thinking."

Dutch pulled me closer kissing my cheek, I turned away slightly embarrassed. "We will be there tomorrow I believe." I nod and get up, well starting to walk off I was stopped as Dutch followed me asking where I was going, My thoughts went away I felt my self go completely numb. I looked over the edge my eyes drawn to a shine in the water, as a girl emerged from the water. I left Dutch's side focusing on her, she was beautiful she had dark black hair and bright green eyes, dutch kept talkin about something, I couldn't really tell what.

The girl was now leaning against a rock, as I locked eyes with her and started climbing over the edge before feeling a arm and being pulled off, I turned to see Charles, I hissed and pulled away climbing over faster, only to be grabbed away again and thrown onto the deck by a mad Dutch. I held my arm and glared, it stung slightly but it wouldn't be to bad, but I don't understand why they cant leave me alone! I turned to the girl seeing a monster instead, I backed away from the edge and looked at Charles and Dutch seeing they looked upset and scared. I sighed hugging Dutch shoving my head into his shoulder. "I'm sorry.." I'd assume he knew what she was, he shouldn't be too mad he knows I love him.

He pulled me closer looking over the edge and turning to Charles and talked to him about the monster I'd assume, I got away and walked off, wondering around the boat, I looked back at monster but it was the girl again. I turned and saw John swooning over the girl. He looked lovestruck staring at her, I think she's doing the same thing to him as she did to me, I went to walk over but before I was fully over he had jumped into the water, His expression soon changed to shock.

He was just, barely floating, as the girl swam over to his direction revealing a fish like tail as John shouted out, "I CANT SWIM!" I looked around grabbing a blank of wood and jumped down, I wasn't prepared for the water to be this cold. I hadn't even thought it could have been half as cold, as this.

I pulled John over to the blank, I looked around for the monster, only to see it had swam off. I looked up at the deck and started yelling soon seeing Dutch run to the edge of the ship and throw down a rope, I grabbed John and tied the rope around his waist as Dutch got a few others and Bill,Javier,Charles and Dutch pulled up John.

They threw down a rope I tied it around my chest and was being pulled up as a arm grabbed my leg pulling me into the water almost pulling in Javier, I was held underwater, I couldn't do anything besides hopelessly kick at the water and try getting away, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get away from that monster! I looked up and saw a blurry figure, the water was muddy and it burned opening them in the water so I really couldn't see much. The last thing I remember was a sharp pain in my leg, then the water going red.

-3rd person pov-

Dutch was under the water searching for arthur before coming apon a puddle of blood in the water, he dove under grabbing a hold of Arthur's arm and hauled him above the water, he got him onto the boat and soon getting himself pulled up as well. He turned to arthur and sighed, looked at his leg, it had a huge opened wound and thousands of small scratches, from that siren. He turned to Charles well picking up arthur, "I swear this boat is going to be the end of John and arthur.." Charles looked at Arthur's satchel seeing it was soaking, "he might have his note book and other valuables in there you might want to hang it up to dry." Charles said this more so to avoid Dutch's comment then to be helpful, Dutch nods turning back to arthur and petting his head, well walking to the bed rooms, then setting him down and wrapping his wounds. Afterward Dutch went out, he was going to John, he needed to see if John was okay.

John was sitting alone at a table a bit shaken up and trying to process what had actually just happened, well thinking he heard a noise, turning when he heard it was just Dutch whistling and walking over to him. "what's with the whistling? Don't tell me your happy with what just happened!" Dutch looked at John shaking his head and turning away. "Everything on this boat has been hell for Arthur, I'm just excited for tomorrow. It's when we will get off of this hell, of a ship." John nods and turned away sighing, "no matter when or where we go it always feels like something wants us dead.." dutch looked at John and then down "I know, I know but, here we can start fresh, we can be good." John hissed under his breath turning to dutch giving him a ice cold glare. "YOU'VE SAID THAT ABOUT EVERYTHING AND EVERYWHERE WE WENT!" Dutch stared at John for a second, before looking away, "look I'm sorry John, I don't have all the answers and almost all of my plans go to shit, I'm trying I truly am. I go on here so I can keep everyone safe and you and Arthur get yourselves hurt!"

John looked away slightly embarrassed now, "it's not our fault there was some fish/monster like girl in there!" "No, but it is your fault for jumping in there for her! You have a wife and kid too!" John glared "I..l don't know what happened to me, I just.. I don't know but I love Abigal I wouldn't ever cheat on her or hurt her." Dutch didn't understand what she had done to Arthur and John, John didn't know what exactly happened either, nor could he describe it. So he just decided to keep quiet, he turned away and looked at the water. "I just want to settle down with jack and Abigal.. be a farmer or something and be left alone." Dutch quietly snickered looking at John "why a farmer?" John growled quietly "because it's much better then running with you and your crazy gang and having the ones I love killed.."

Dutch went silent and looked at Arthur's bag, trying to find anything to get his way out of this. "I'm going to see if his stuff is okay.." he walk over grabbing Arthur's bag and rummaging through it, grabbing out a opened bottle of pills he looked I'm it seeing they were all melted into a white liquid and he quietly sighed, knowing these were keeping Arthur from having coughing fits and dying. "There's probably more in his luggage, he wouldn't only get one bottle of pills"

-Time skip-

"That was your only bottle of pills?!"

Arthur looked down in embarrassment "I didn't think I'd need to save John" Dutch growled and looked at Arthur "how are we supposed to keep you alive?! How are we supposed to keep you safe?! It's like I need to tie you up! First the fucked up grew member, then John and that girl and now this?! What the hell are we supposed to do Arthur?!" Arthur didn't reply looking away from Dutch "I'm sorry..." Dutch sighed and pulled arthur close to his chest and kissed his head, "I can't loose you Arthur.. please just be more careful." Arthur nodded hiding his head in Dutch's chest, "Dutch what are we going to do about the pills?.." Dutch pet Arthur's head and sighed "there's probably more in Tahiti" Arthur nodded and kissed Dutch "Thank you.."

Oof I gotta edit this shit anyway I was gonna make this longer but I got lazy sorry

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Where stories live. Discover now