Small vandermorgan story ((lslightly edited now

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Okay so I replayed rdr2 and I just paused it and thought of when Dutch and arthur got jack back from bronte and Dutch is happy and such, what If like Arthur liked Dutch and got jealous, so then I paused my game and here we are now.

-Arthur's pov-
It had been, strange riding with Dutch and John. They talked with jack about what he ate and what 'slippers'? Were or somethin' like that, I tried toning out Dutch when ever he talked about Bronte. Dutch was so happy to have met him, I just, I know there ain't nothin' right about him. John was more focused on Jack, not that I'm mad about that at all, I just, I wish he would have picked up on how excited Dutch seemed. It may just be me, or the smoke messing with my head, but if I hear Dutch mention that party one more time, I feel I might just go madder than I already am now.

After awhile we had gotten back to camp, everyone was up and bout' dancing and getting drunk. I just went to my room, I watched and I drew. It was nice I saw everyone from the porch by my room, everyone looked so happy, I doubt anyone noticed me not being there. I closed my journal and started fixing up my bed, then changing. Partly through changing I heard a knock on my door, I just sped up thinking I didn't need to answer, I could finish then walk out there and greet who ever it was instead. I was wrong and Dutch had opened my door and saw me scurrying around my room for clothes like a god damn rat would for food. Not to mention me not have a shirt, I also felt, weird around him at times, but I just, id just rather keep that to myself. I turned at Dutch and stared at him, as if in a daze, soon snapping out as Dutch slammed the door closed leaving me alone again. "Sorry Arthur" I blinked once or twice before slipping a new shirt over my head and staring at the door, "it ain't no problem Dutch, I should have answered you."

I finished getting dressed opening the door, "so uh, what do you need Dutch?" Dutch smirked putting his hands on my shoulders, "well Karen thought it was weird you weren't down drinking, she and a few others sent me up here. So you have to tell me why you ain't having fun and enjoying yourself." I swatted Dutch's hands away, although I did enjoy him being close, but from the smirk he had I could tell he was just gonna tease me. "I am enjoying myself, I also need sleep" Dutch looked at me, his eyes seemed like they were asking for me to follow him, as he said nothing but "alright then arthur.." I couldn't help but feel guilty, but what is there to exactly say? 'I'm sorry for being tired?'

I looked at Dutch and smiled, "how about I go down there, then you teach me how to do somethin" Dutch seemed to think for a minute but nodded in agreement, "deal! As long as when we practice everyone gets to see." I rolled my eyes not thinking much of what he could actually do, "Alright then"
Me and Dutch walked down to the campfire, most everyone was lookin at us, I didn't know why and didn't want to question it. It's probably something about getting jack back anyway and I didn't feel like I should take credit for it to be honest with yah, it feels more like.. more like I was just a get away diversion more or less. I guess still some what counts, but nooo~ Dutch did it talking to 'Bronte' or what ever that assholes name was! He's playin Dutch like a fiddle and Dutch is too happy to see it! God I wish.. I wish I could have just went myself, I don't trust Bronte by Dutch one bit!

Before I could think of anything else I felt a hand pull me to the side, "may I have this dance Arthur" a some what raspy but deep and sweet voice asked, I looked and only saw Dutch, I noticed his arms around my waist. Was he expecting me to dance with him? In front of everyone?! I looked around and pushed off Dutch walking to a crate of whiskey and started downing a bottle, one after another. I started feeling dizzy after around two and saw Dutch walking over to me again, "come on Arthur you need to learn, Angelo Bronte's party will be soon. I cringed at the name and turned to face Dutch, "It's that mayors party, not his! I also Don't give a flying fuck about if I can dance or not, I'm not going and that's final!" Dutch Stared at me for a second his brow furrowed and he lifted his hand, I knew what was coming, but this time I did care. I grabbed Dutch's hand and once I did I felt his other arm wrap around my waist, then pull my closer to him. "You know Arthur, I wouldn't ever hit you right? And you had promised to dance in front of everyone and you will need to go, for me please?" I looked away and sighed and mumbled "I don't remember agreein' to no dancing especially by the others.. and fine for you." I never responded to his slap question. I felt a hand on my chin pull my head up, my eyes locked with Dutch's as his other hand lowered wrapping around my waist. I felt myself drowned in his eyes, unable to look away, as a crowd formed around us. A Chant started as Karen drunkenly said "I bet their gonna kiss, Molly your" she hiccuped and then continued on "your, boyfriend is into Arthur." Most everyone who had two bottles of whiskey or more started a chant, saying "Kiss" over and over. I felt the color drain from my face well seeing Dutch, he looked uncomfortable. Then turned to me as if asking what to do. I looked away not wanting to say no or yes, I didn't want to make Dutch hate me or get upset. I felt his hand on my chin once again, this time pulling me into a sloppy kiss. "I bet Angelo Bronte can't ever make me, as happy as you do Arthur Morgan." I froze and looked up at him as if asking if it's okay, I saw him nod as I awkwardly put my arms loosely around Dutch's neck and kissed back.

Hhhhhhh I'm tired and I really liked this sorry I didn't make a chapter but like I really wanted to make this and I hardly have moments where I'm just so inspired

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt