Chapter 2 : The Plan

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Hey! I know in the summary I said that Minecon took place in 2019, but I decided to make the convention VidCon #1, and #2 make it like it already happened so instead of 2019, this takes place in 2017, got it? Ok lets start! :D

Graser's. POV

6 months later...

I'm packing to go to VidCon tomorrow, yeah, I probs shouldn't have waited till last min to pack. But I'm excited to see all my friends! Will, H, Shelby, Parker, Stacy... Stacy. Why does her name make me feel all warm and fuzzy, I don't like her like that, do I? I mean, she's beautiful, kind, smart, loyal, ok. I do like her don't I. Even if I do like her she doesn't like me, Then again, she was rather concerned when I was hit by that car... which healed up pretty good thankfully. Hmm, maybe I could ask Will to help me find out if she likes me. I decide to give Will a call.

During phone call...

W. Will

G. Graser

W. What do you want, I'm trying to pack.

G. This may sound strange but...

W. Oh no, get on with it.

G. Have any idea on how to find out if someone likes you?

W. I do have an idea...


W. I will only tell if you tell me who it is you like, actually scratch that, I ask you 3 questions about who it is, then I get 3 chances to answer correctly. K?

G. Ok fine, ask away, but if you don't get it right after 3 try's, I won't tell you.

W. Ok, deal. Are they a YouTuber?

G. Yes.

W. Hmm, have I talked to them before?

G. Yes.

W. Ok, lastly...

G. Yeah?

W. Is her name StacyPlays?

G. Maybe.....

W. Knew it. And btw, I'm pretty sure she likes you too, don't you remember how strange she acted over that random question during the Q and A?

G. Yeah but she said she just didn't want to get the shippers going.

W. Do you actually believe that?

G. I mean, she's pretty truthful 99.9% of the time.

W. And is a liar that 0.1% of the time. If she really wouldn't sleep with you, she most definitely would've made it clear, but instead she tried to ignore the question and didn't know what to say when we asked her why she picked you to do 103 eps of a series with. She didn't want to admit she liked you IN FRONT of the shippers and fans, not necessarily get them started.

G. Man, you picked that situation apart faster than anyones else I'd seen. I think your right but you haven't told me how to HANDLE the situation.

W. I have AN idea, its not a great one but it may give us clues on the amount of "like" Stacy has for you, how about after she's done all her assignments tomorrow, me, you, H, Shelby, Parker, and her go to California Adventure, and we will "accidentally" lose each other, leaving you and Stacy alone, than our phones will "die" so you can't get in touch with us and you two are stuck with each other.

G. Its not a bad idea but...

W. Hold on, not done. Its supposed to storm real bad tomorrow there, like, tornado level kind of storms. And she's terrified of storms, me and H already rented a house where me, him, Shelby, and Parker are staying, you come and invite Stacy to stay with us, when she accepts and arrives, we'll put on a movie and one by one go to bed, me and H share a room, Parker and Shelby, and who does that leave behind to share a room together?

G. Me and Stacy, but what does the thunder storms have to do with anything?

W. Maybe if she gets scared enough, it may start up some cuddle action.

G. To be honest, I like your plan. Actually kinda impressive you thought that up just now!

W. I know right? I used up my last two brain cells to help you.

G. Thanks bro. Well I has to finish packing, guess I'll see you tomorrow!

W. Alright bye.

G. Bye!

Boy, I do like Will's plan, I just hope it doesn't back-fire. And I hope there's not any actual twisters, I kinda have always wanted to see a tornado from a distance, not to where it could kill me. I shouldn't worry to much, you never here of tornados in Cali.

Aright, alright, alright! Chapter 2 of my first book! I wrote this while drawing, don't know about you but drawing helps me think! Next chapter is gonna be a long one cuz I'm gonna include them meeting each other (not for first time like every other FF I've seen) and going to California Adventure, which I've never been to so I'll have to make up names for rides and things. Anyway, see ya next chapter! <3

#Gracy // stacyplays & Graser10 FF (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now