Chapter 96 : Christmas Trail Ride

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy! (These last few chaps will probably be short)

Graser's POV

We set off down the road, it was quite nice to look behind me and see all of our friends. Better yet, see Stacy with Gracy sitting in front of her, Shelby with Luke, and of course Will and Nature. "Can I steer him?" I heard Gracy ask, I looked back to see her trying to take Pogonip's reins from Stacy. "Ok, be careful." Stacy said, Gracy smiled as Stacy handed her the reins. I continued steering Digs and trying to keep him under control, but he wasn't his hyper self today. "What's the matter, bud? Why are you so sluggish today?" I asked him, he snorted. He's like me, he doesn't rest if he's not feeling good or if he's hurt, he just ignores it. One day, him and Dee were playing tag all day. Come to find out, he had been running circles for hours with a stick stuck in his withers, he must've impaled himself on a tree. After I found that out, we had to call the vet to come deal with it, but he's fine now, that happened a few days after Stacy attempted to ride him and failed. "Gallop!" I heard Nature say, I looked back to see him trying to steal Titan's reins from Will. Nature can say a few words, but he rarely talks. Once we reached the field at the end of the road, I decided that it'd be a good time to teach everyone how to trot. "Alright everyone. Ready to pick up the pace?" I asked excitedly, everyone nodded. "Ok. When I say to, you're gonna ask your horses to trot by kicking them and putting your hands forward. Be warned, the trot is very bumpy, but try your best to hold on." I said, everyone nodded. "Oh boy, this'll be interesting." Said Megan, everyone else nodded. "Ready?" I asked, they all nodded again. "Alright, go!" I yelled, excitedly. Everyone started trying to get their horses to trot, and they started laughing, yelling, and screaming when the horses did trot. I decided to let everyone pass me so I could help make the horses trot since some of them were being uncooperative, like Maggie. "Go, Mags. Stop being lazy." I said as I made Digs trot up beside her, allowing me to lightly smack her on the butt. She picked up the pace, and I continued helping everyone. As I passed by Megan, Dee tripped, making Megan almost fall off, but I caught her. "Thanks!" She said, giggling. "Hold on! Keep your heels down, it will balance you a lot better." I said, she nodded. I continued riding beside everyone, and we went back to walking when we made it to the trail. I of course went first so I could lead the way and watch out for any threats. We all went in a line since the trail wasn't very wide, but I was in front, then Stacy and Gracy were behind me, Will and Nature were behind them, and then it just got random cause everyone else kept passing each other and what not. After awhile, Stacy made Pogonip walk up beside me and Digs. "Hey." She said. "Hey. What's up?" I asked, chuckling. "Nothing." She answered. We smiled at each other before continuing to ride beside each other.

About an hour later...

"This horse is murdering my booty." Said Megan, making us laugh. "I'll give you my saddle if you want it, I don't mind." Stacy said, Megan nodded. Then we pulled over so Stacy could put Pogonip's saddle on Dee. "Can I ride with you?" I heard Gracy ask, I looked down to see her right next to me. I wasn't too fond of the idea, I don't know how Digs will act. I'm not as much of an overprotective parent as Stacy, but I do know what's a good idea and what's not a good idea. This was not a good idea. "No, honey. Digs isn't very... friendly." I said. "But why?" She asked, luckily I didn't have to answer cause Stacy came back over to us. "Alright, let's go." She said as she picked Gracy up and set her on Pogonip, then Stacy hopped onto him and we continued riding. "Does that feel better?" Stacy asked, looking at Megan who gave a thumbs up. We continued riding along the trail, and eventually we reached a pretty open area, maybe it's time to teach everyone to gallop. "Alright everyone..." I started, making Digs stop and turn around. "Oh no, now what are we doing?" Joey asked. "We're going to gallop!" I exclaimed, everyone's eyes widened as they said 'oh no.' "So, all you gotta do is lean forward, and don't die. Sound good?" I asked, everyone laughed and hesitantly nodded. "Ok. On your mark... get set... GO!" I yelled, and all our horses took off. "Ahh! It's so bumpy and fast!" Joel yelled, everyone agreed. "Oh no, oh gosh, oh crap..." Said Stacy, trying to steer Pogonip cause he almost ran into a tree. She probably wasn't having a fun time cause she was holding onto Gracy with one hand and could only steer Pogonip with her other hand. Will also had the same problem, especially when Titan's mane got caught on a tree branch. He had to make Titan stop so he could try and get his mane unstuck. "I told you that you should've braided his mane or something to keep it out of the way." I said as I trotted Digs over to help. "Well I didn't." Will replied, I chuckled as I unraveled Titan's mane off of the branch, then we continued on through the woods.

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