Chapter 12 : Bad News

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Hellooo, new chap, enjoy!

Stacy's POV

I was upset and scared when Graser left, but I know it was for the greater good incase something were to happen to me or my baby when I'm at home and alone. Will made me feel just as safe at least, I snuggled with him until I fell asleep. I was awoken a couple hours later to terrible cramps in my stomach, I looked to see if Will was awake, he was on his phone. "What are you doing up?" He asked. "Nothing, I just heard something." I said trying to blow it off until I felt another cramp in my stomach. "Your belly hurting again?" He asked, I didn't want to worry him. "A little." I said, I tried to go back to sleep but it just kept getting worse, I couldn't take it anymore. "Will, I think something's wrong in there." I said. "Well I don't wanna risk anything so we're going to the hospital." He said getting up. When I stood up, I could barely walk it hurt so bad, I got him to help me to the car.

Will's POV

This can't be good, it hasn't been a day since Graser left and this happens, he would never forgive me if something happens to Stacy or her baby. I got some decent clothes on and took her to the hospital, incase one of our friends woke up and wondered where we were I left a note on the counter. When we got there I signed in and we were taken to a room. They ran some tests and asked us questions about what we've been doing lately to make sure it's nothing we caused. "We'll go take a look at the results and be right with you." Said the nurses walking away, I noticed Stacy starting to cry. "What's wrong?" I asked. "What if there's something wrong with my baby?!" She asked. "It'll all be ok, I promise." I said, and regretted as soon as the doctor came back with a sad look. "I'm afraid your baby may not survive after you give birth, we want you to come back on Monday to confirm." He said, Stacy broke down right then and there, even I was trying not to cry myself seeing her so upset. I helped her to the car again and went home, when we got home she went straight to the bedroom and started crying again. "I'm sorry Stacy, I really am." I said sitting with her and hugging her. "You never deserved this, you're so kind and caring, it's makes me mad and sad that this happened to you." I said. "Come on, let's get some sleep." I said letting go of her and laying down, she did the same. "If my baby is gonna die anyway, what's the point in going through the pain of giving birth." She said through tears. "We don't know if it will die for sure yet, he said he's going to confirm it on Monday." I said. "But what if it will die?" She asked, I didn't know how to answer that. "Things happen for a reason, maybe later on it will make sense why you didn't have a baby, but again, I wouldn't dwell on it since we don't know for sure that you won't yet!" I said. "I guess you're right, thanks Will." She said and snuggled her face in my chest, she soon fell asleep. I figured I should tell Graser, I decided to text him.

Graser's POV

It was 4:30am and I had just walked in the door to my house when my phone buzzed, it was Will.

In text message...

W. William

G. Graser

W. Dude, I've got some bad news :(

G. What?! Nothing's wrong with Stacy right?!

W. No, nothing is wrong with her, but your baby on the other hand....

G. WHAT?! What's wrong?!?!

S. She was having bad stomach cramps and so I took her to the hospital, they don't think the baby will survive after it's born. :(

G. You're kidding, you better be kidding.

W. I'm sorry Grase, I wish I was.

G. I'm gonna go unpack, bye

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