Chapter 7 : Jellyfish Sting

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Chap 7, enjoy! ;)

Stacy's POV

I can't believe it, my ex from almost 25 years ago still wanted revenge for me breaking up with him. He wanted to force me to have a child because almost everyone knows I would never even think about abortion. I can't even believe he shot at Graser, it was thanks to Graser that I'm still alive and well. I'm just glad that these past couple of issues I've had are either resolved or faded away. Turns out I can have children, my ex will finally pay for what he's done, and most importantly, turns out Gracy may actually be a thing, how am I supposed to explain this to the fans?! It was about 5 in the morning by now, but Graser was awake. "Hey, Graser?" "Oh, I thought you were asleep! Whats up?" He asked. "I was just wondering, if Gracy is a thing, how will we tell the fans, and how will they react?" "I think most of them will be glad! After all, they were the ones who came up with Gracy in the first place!" He exclaimed. "I guess you're right, as always." I said sarcastically. "Ok, I think its time we do get some sleep, I have something planed for tomorrow!" He said. "Ok, fine." "Don't "fine" me miss StacyPlays!" "Don't use my formal name! And I can "fine" you all I want robot!" I say giggling. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I responded and snuggled up to him and fell asleep.

The next morning...

I woke up the same as the morning before, sun in my eyes, smell of breakfast, and being trapped by Graser while I need to go to the bathroom. I wake him up and he let me go, I decided to take a shower before breakfast. Once I was done, there was a problem. There was no towels, and I had to go across the hallway to get to the bedroom. So that meant I couldn't book it cause everyone was right there in the kitchen. I thought about yelling for Shelby or Graser until I remembered they went outside to get something out of the car. There was only one other person who I could trust to not try and seek-a-peek, William. "Hey, William?" I yelled, this was the most embarrassed I'd been in front of Will.

Will's POV

I was making breakfast when I heard Stacy call my name, from the bathroom, this was, odd. "Yeah?" I asked. "Um, could, y-you, g-get me a t-towel?" I heard her stutter. "Ok, hold on a sec, their in the dryer, I'll get one." I said, I was confused as to why, of everyone else, she trusted me. I very well could take a peek if I wanted, which yeah, Stacy is rather beautiful but number 1, I would never cheat on Em, and 2, I helped Graser get her, I could never pull the rug out from under him after I helped him. I went and gave Stacy her towel and continued cooking. I thought about asking her why she trusted me but, thats her business for whatever reason.

Back to Stacy's POV

That, was, awkward. When I went into the kitchen I refused to make eye contact with Will, at least he didn't seem to care, I'm sure he deals with this with Emily all the time. "Hey Stacy, I never got around to making your gluten free pancakes, I was wondering what else you might want?" Said Will. "Oh, um, you don't have to make anything I'm ok, thanks though." I said. "That wasn't the question, I'm making you eat something, the question is what do you want? I have waffles, bread, Nutella, what would you like?" "Oh Will, I guess some waffles then, if you insist." I said, why was he being so nice to me? "Oh, I think he insists Stacy!" Said H bringing me a cup of chocolate milk. "Why are you guys being so nice to me?" I asked. "We're just trying to make you feel better since last nights whole ordeal, and actually we've noticed almost every night here lately you've been rather upset over something and we were wondering what, don't answer if you don't want but we're just curious." Said Will. "Oh, um, its ok now, I got a test done recently to see if I was healthy enough to have kids and they said I couldn't but turns out I can, they just got my test mixed up with someone else's." I explained. "Oh, well thats good, happy ending I guess." Said H. "Yep. Where's Graser by the way?" I asked. "Him, Parker, and Shelby walked up to the gas station for some snacks. Wanna play would you rather till they get back?" Asked Will. "Sure." I said, we went and sat on the couch and started playing. "Would you rather, own a dog that talks, or be a dog?" I asked. "Ah, come on Stacy, ya gotta ask better questions than that! Like for instance, I saw this one before and its really good, would you rather, have all your thoughts broadcasted at all times so everyone knows what your thinking while your thinking it, or pee yourself in public once a day for a whole year?" Asked H. "Ummmm, well...." I started. "If I could managed to hide the pee I would say that." Said Will. "Ok, and Stacy?" Said H. "I think she would have her thoughts broadcasted cause I think compared to us, her mind is probably pretty innocent." Said Will, this was getting uncomfortable, I wanted Graser and everyone else to come back. "Yeah, she probably thinks about dogs all day." Said H. "Pretty much, yeah." I agreed. "Ok, would you rather, jump into a pile of cactus, or, feel what its like to to give birth? This one's more for H cause for all I know, Stacy might go through that one day." Said Will, this was getting very uncomfortable. "Cactus." Said H without hesitation which made Will laugh. "Alright Stacy, your turn!" Said H. "Ummm." "This might take awhile, like I said, Stacy doesn't really have a dirty mind like us." Said Will, he was right too, but thank goodness, I didn't have to answer because Parker, Shelby, and Graser came back. "What has been going on without the Master G around?!" Says Graser. "We were playing would you rather." Said H. "What was the best question that was asked?" Asked Shelby. "Well, the best reaction I can say was when I asked H if he would rather jump in a pile of cactus or feel what its like to give birth." Said Will. "I'm assuming he said cactus." Said Graser laughing. "Oh hell yeah I said cactus." Said H, everyone laughed accept me, I was very uncomfortable. "How's you're back feelin Miss Stace?" Asked Graser. "Its ok, I don't want to do anything crazy yet if thats what you're getting at." "Are you sure? Not even the, beach?!" He said, smiling, I couldn't say no to him. "Now that I will do." "I knew you'd say yes to that." He said laughing. I decided to wear a blue and white 1-piece bathing suit, Shelby wore a white bikini, Parker, H, and Will didn't bring a swimming outfit so they just wore shorts and no shirt. Graser didn't bring a suit either so he just wore a t-shirt and basketball shorts.

Time skip till beach...

We got out of the car and walked to the beach. We found a spot down by the water to put our towels and snacks. Shelby and Parker ran into the water instantly, Will play-smacked H and ran off with H chasing him leaving me and Graser. "What do ya wanna do Miss Stace?" Asked Graser. "We can go in the water!" I said walking towards the water, Graser followed me, but as soon as I stepped in seaweed touched me and I screamed and ran like a moron, did I mention I'm afraid of the ocean? Graser laughed and told me to come back, he ended up dragging me really far out to where I couldn't touch the bottom anymore, I held on to him cause he was taller and could touch. "See, its not so bad, is it Stace?" He said. "No, I guess not, I'm just afraid of shar-OUCH!" I yelled as I felt what seemed like a giant bee sting on my stomach. "What?!" He asked. "I think I just got stung by a jellyfish!" Why me? Now that my back is "somewhat" ok and I'm over the whole thing with my ex, I get stung by a freaking  jellyfish, when will this chain of bad luck end?! "Ouchies, I think it just got me too!" Said Graser. "Great. Just great." I said sarcastically. "Don't worry about it, for now we can just chillax and the pain should go away as long as you don't rub it or anything." He said carrying me back to the shore. "Oh great, what happened now?" Asked Shelby. "Nothing." I said. "If it was nothing, Graser wouldn't be carrying you right now." Said Will. "We both got stung by a jellyfish." Said Graser as he put me down on my blanket. "Well we're even cause I stepped on a crab." Said Shelby. "Do you need PeePee Parker to pee on you? I hear that helps!" Said Parker laughing. "NO." I said. "Where did you get stung even?" Asked H. "Mother trucker got my leg, how about you Stace?" Asked Graser looking at where it stung him. "It got my stomach which is the worst cause my bathing suit rubs up against it." I said laying on my back hoping that would help, I did not, it just made it worse. "Did you see the jellyfish?" Asked Will. "No, why?" I asked. "Well you may want to look at those stings cause some jellys can be deadly ya know." He said. "Well you look at it then cause I don't know whats bad and whats not." Said Graser, Will went and looked at his sting. "It doesn't look bad to me." Said Will, then he came over to me,  this was gonna be weird cause I was wearing a 1-piece and the sting was in the dead center of my stomach. "Where is it?" He asked me, I pointed to it. "Oh, well I'll look when we're at home then, ok?" He said, I nodded and we started heading home.

At home...

I went and got another shower to wash the sand off me which hurt like nothing before when I rinsed my jellyfish sting, I silently screamed when I did it. I put on my pj's and went to the living room where everyone was watching SpongeBob, why are my friends so strange? I was also wondering why Graser wasn't really complaining about his sting, if it was the same jellyfish why did mine hurt so much worse? "Hey guys." I said entering the room. "Still want me to look at that sting?" Asked Will. "I guess." I said. "Well does it still hurt?" He asked. "Oh yeah, if anything its worse." "Really? I don't even feel mine anymore!" Said Graser. "Well good for you!" I said sarcastically. "Here, let me see it." Said will sitting next to me. I pulled up my shirt just enough to show it. "O.....k, thats, thats not, thats not great looking, but I don't think its harmful, you just might be in quite a bit of pain for awhile." He said. "Lovely. Well I'm ready for bed Graser and I don't want you waking me up a half hour later getting in bed so you're coming with me." I said. "Ok fine, I'm coming." He said getting up. We went and got in bed which wasn't very comfortable all because of one stupid jellyfish. "Graser, I didn't really care if you woke me, I just am what you could call, scared, after these past few nights." I said. "Thats perfectly fine with me, I'll always be here to protect you." He said. "Thanks Grase, goodnight, I love you." I whispered as I cuddled with him. "I love you too Stace." He whispered back. I was soon over come by the land of dreams. I had the same dream I had the other night, Graser was my husband and father of our twins I was pregnant with, what could it be besides a look into the future?

GUYS. I FRIGGIN DID IT. OVER 2100 WORDS!!! hope you like it, see you next chap! <3

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