Chapter 52 : Too Much to Live For

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy!

Stacy's POV

I regret doing a sleepover. Surprisingly, Will's been fine, it's Graser that's the issue. He's been pushing me and William off of the bed because he keeps slowly migrating to our side. Poor Will is literally holding onto my pillow, trying not to fall off, while Graser is taking up half of the bed. Anyway, I don't know how to feel about me and Will's little discussion earlier. I understand him entirely, but I'm just still a tad disappointed that he no longer wants to be my husband. I understand why he doesn't, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. Also I'm relieved at the same time, I know it's terrible but... yes. I only really wanted to marry him because I didn't want anyone else to take him away. But I'm ok now that he swears on his life that he'll never leave, I just hope he really means that. Anyway, I need to stop thinking and start sleeping.

The next morning...

I woke up nice and cozy between Graser and Will, I never want to get out of bed. I laid my head on Will's chest, our heartbeats synced. Soon I fell asleep again, only to be woken up by our babies. "You guys relax, I'll handle it." Said Graser getting up, I buried my face in Will's chest as he wrapped his arms around me. Graser took our babies to the living room while me and Will went back to sleep. Graser woke us up again a few minutes later. "The munchkins have their appointment today, do you want me to just go ahead and take them since you guys seem tired?" He asked, me and Will shrugged our shoulders. "I'll take that as a yes? You guys relax, I'll be back. I love you Stacy!" Graser whispered as he closed the door. Me and Will went back sleep again. When I woke up again, Will was still asleep so I decided to get up. When I got up, I wasn't sore anymore, I was fine. I went to make some breakfast and feed the horses, when I went outside, the horses weren't there, only a GIRAFFE?! I went over to it, it had a name tag, his name was Twigs. "Um, hi sir." I said as I reached out to pet him. "Um, whatcha doing there Stacy?" I heard Will ask, I was dreaming, and I wasn't petting a giraffe, I was petting Will. "Dreaming much?" He asked chuckling, I laughed before telling him about my dream. "Twigs the giraffe?" Will asked, I nodded giggling. "Alright then. Sounds like you need to film a Mineclash." He replied, I nodded again. We didn't bother trying to go to sleep again, we turned on the tv in the bedroom that we never use. We ended up watching something about the Bermuda Triangle on the Science channel. "I want to go there and explore." Will said. "No, because you might not come back, and then I'd be really sad." I replied as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "What if I could promise I'll come back?" He asked. "Um, I'd rather you travel to the moon than the middle of the ocean." I said, he chuckled. "I think once the kids are old enough, we should take a little adventure to somewhere like that. Maybe not necessarily Bermuda but, maybe somewhere like Bora Bora?" He asked. "I don't like planes, ocean, or the idea of being on an island with no easy escape if something were to happen." I answered. "C'mon, it would be so fun!" He said, I rolled my eyes and looked away. "Fine, be boring." He said with his arms crossed, we looked at each other and giggled. Will soon got up to get some breakfast. "Do you want some cereal?" He asked, I nodded. He went out to the kitchen and soon came back with a bowl of cereal. "Where's mine?" I asked. "This is all that was left, we're sharing!" He answered, I shrugged my shoulders as he sat in bed again. We were eating our breakfast when Will's phone rang. "Who could that be?" He asked as he picked it up, his eyes widened as he saw who it was. "It's, it's my mom!" He said as he answered it.

In phone call

W. Will

M. Will's mom

W. Mom...?

M. Hi honey.

W. Is it really you?

M. Yes, it's me William.

W. But, I thought, I thought you hated...

M. No honey, I don't hate you. I didn't know what a great kid you were until recently. I didn't know what I had until it was gone.

W. What, what do you mean?

M. After you were gone, dad and I wanted to start over, we had another son.

W. What?! I have, I have another brother?!

M. Yes Will, but he's gone. He was killed in a car accident your father got into. We really made a horrible mistake thinking you were a bad kid, you were a great kid. We tried to make you earn our love, and now we're paying for the terrible thing we did to you by losing our other son.

End of call...

Will couldn't take it. He hung up the phone and began sobbing. I hugged him tight, he wouldn't stop crying. I can't let him get to the point of wanting to hurt himself. "I've caused nothing but trouble in this world! Making my parents hate me, raping you and giving you a child, I don't belong here Stacy, I'm sorry." He said getting up, I held onto him with all of my might. "Will, no! I love you so much, please stop!" I said, he wouldn't stop. He drug me all the way to the kitchen where he picked up a knife. "NO!" I yelled as I took the knife from him and pushed him down on his back, I then grabbed both of his hands and drug him back to the bedroom, threw him on the bed, and locked the door. "William, please don't do that, ever again." I said crying, he was crying too. "I love you too much Will, I can't live without you." I said as I sat on the bed and grabbed his hand. "You've saved me more than I've saved you, and you have so much in you, you have too much to live for! Graser, Gracy, William, Titan, for crying out loud, me! You have me to live for! You are a dad William, you're a daddy, your son needs you, I need you. Remember what you said William? 'I swear on my life, I'll never leave you.'" I said to him, he looked me in the eyes. "I, I'm so sorry." He replied crying, I hugged him tightly. "I, I'll never do that again, I promise." He said, we stayed hugging each other. After awhile, we were calmed down enough. Will texted his mother that he'll talk to her tomorrow, and I laid back down in bed. Will joined me shortly, because it was a dark rainy day, we both ended up falling asleep.

Yay, another late and kinda sad chap, but it's still happy because Will didn't slice his own throat ok? Ok! Anyway, 1200 words, see you next chap.

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