Chapter 9 : Dares in the Mall

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Chap 9, enjoy!

Stacy's POV

I can't believe it, Gracy is actually real. Me and Graser are Boyfriend and Girlfriend now, I don't think I've ever been as happy in my life. After he asked me to be his Girlfriend I fell asleep with him on the couch. I was woken up by everyone in my face yelling "dinner is ready." I went to go eat and watch tv with everyone until I fell asleep with Graser again, we slept on the couch. Sleeping with him was just so warm and cozy, and most of all, I felt safe.

The next morning...

I woke up to Will trying to wake me, I wondered where Graser was. "What? I'm tired, let me sleep." I said and rolled over. "Stacy you've got to be freaking kidding me, its 3 in the afternoon! We're waiting on you to go to the mall!" He said, what is it with me sleeping so much? I usually sleep till 11 at the latest. "Where is everyone then?" I asked. "They got bored and walked to the park and left me here to wake you up. When you're ready to go sometime this year, we're gonna take Graser's car and pick them up." He explained. "Ok fine, I'm getting up." I said, I went and brushed my hair, did a tiny bit of makeup, and wore some jeans and my famous striped shirt. "Ok, I'm ready." I yelled because Will was in the bathroom. "Ok I'm coming, give me a sec." He said. "You look like your Minecraft character." He said as he grabbed the keys, and we were out the door.

In the car...

S. Stacy

W. Will

W. So, you and Graser?

S. What about us?

W. Well, you're ex did tell on you point blank that you guys were kissing.

S. Oh, well, I mean, ok fine, we were.

W. Mind explaining how that happened? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, you can trust me!

S. Ok fine, I sort of, always had feelings for Graser, but incase you're wondering, HE kissed ME. I may have kissed back but he started it.

W. Well, I feel like I should tell you something about Graser, I don't think it will upset you, if anything I feel like this shows how much he really does love you.

S. Ok, go on?

W. The day before VidCon he called asking me if I knew a way to find out if two peeps like each other, he told me he liked you. I set up a whole plan to see if you liked him, which included you guys being alone together at Cali Adventure, you sharing a room, but in the end we were going to switch it up and let you share with whoever you wanted but Graser said you guys enjoyed sleeping together so we didn't bother.

S. Oh my gosh, he really did all that just for me? Why me? There's so many girls out there that are so much better than me...

W. Don't even go there, everyone is beautiful in their own way, and theres just something special about you that Graser loves, there's something special about you that everyone loves! You're fans, you're friends like us, you're family, you need to have more confidence in yourself!

S. I guess your right, thanks William.

W. Your very welcome Stacy.

At the park...

Will is such a good friend, sure, he can be annoying but he can be so sweet. I still don't see him in a "Boyfriend" way, more of a "true best friend" way. We finally got to the park to see everyone playing soccer. (Fun fact about me, I've played soccer since I was 3, and still play today!) We started walking over to them when Graser nailed me in the stomach with the ball, at least the stupid jellyfish sting was pretty much gone, I can't even imagine what that would've felt like if it still hurt. I sat down just to wait for the pain to go away. "Ow, Graser!" "I'm so sorry Stace, I think I need to stay away from you cause I seem to always find a way to hurt you when I'm around!" He said running over to me. "At least it didn't knock the wind outta you cause believe me, thats not fun." Said Will kneeling next to me. "Are you ok?" Asked Graser sitting with me cause he was out of breath from playing. "Yeah I'm fine, and I don't want you to stay away, I'd deal with this for the rest of my life to be with you." I said leaning on him. "Awe." Said Will. "Should we tell them?" Graser whispered referring to telling our friends about Gracy being a thing. "I think so." I whispered back, he nodded. "Attention everyone! We have an announcement!" He said with all our friends standing around. "What?" Asked H. "The Gracy ship, has sailed!" He said kissing me on the lips. Surprisingly no one seemed to care, everyone just said "thats great" and "#Gracy." We started walking back to the car when Graser picked me up. "What is this, why do you like to carry me?" I asked giggling. "Its just fun seeing how annoyed you get, you're cute when your angry!" He said laughing. "Just whatever you do, please don't drop me." I said. "I would never do that!" He said setting me down next to the car. We all squeezed in and drove to the mall to do the dares we were sent from the challenge we did yesterday.

At the mall...

Parker, Will, Shelby, and H would take turns choosing dares for me and Graser to do since we both tied in the challenge, Graser told them the rules and we began recording and doing dares whilst shopping. "Minecrafter2000 dares Stacy to yell THE FLOOR IS LAVA as loud as she can and jump onto something to escape the lava." Said H. "Oh boy, ok fine, here goes nothing. THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!" I yelled and jumped onto a bench up against the balcony since we were on the second floor. Everyone laughed but the funny thing was, some people waking around played along and tried to climb onto stuff, turns out they were fans so we let them be in the video. "Can I ask one question?" Said the little girl. "Whats that, sweetie?" I asked kneeling down to her level. "Is Gracy real?" "I don't know, maybe!" I said and then she ran back to her mom smiling. Boy, do I want a kid to call my own. "Ok this dare is for both of you, GracyLover200 dares Graser to try and sneak someone's French fry off their plate while Stacy distracts them in the food court." Said Will, I must admit, thats a pretty good dare. We went to the food court where I went up to someone with fries and talked to them to keep their attention whilst Graser actually managed to steal a fry while Will recorded it, it was actually quite funny. (I've actually done this with my friend, it was amazing) We did some dares, ate dinner, and went shopping for a bit and started heading home around 7:30.

At home...

When we got home we sat on the couch and watched tv, it started storming out like before, but as long as I was cuddling with Grase, I was perfectly fine, even when the power went out for a bit I buried my face in his chest and felt safe. I dosed off for maybe 5 minutes and for some reason in that five minutes, everyone agreed to watch the horror movie "It". Three minutes in, I was curled up in a ball practically on top of Graser with a blanket over my head and him rubbing my back. "Calm down Stace, its not real, you can go to bed if you want, I'm going to as soon as this is over." He said, I nodded and went to lay down, I kept jumping whenever I heard something or saw a shadow from outside. I was scared even though Graser was just in the other room. Eventually there was a flash of lightning and I swear I saw the shadow of a person.

Graser's POV

I was watching IT with everyone when I heard Stacy yell my name in a panicked tone. "Guys, I'm sorry, I'm going to bed with her, after everything thats happened lately she's practically scared of her own shadow, she doesn't like to be alone." I said hoping they would understand, they all nodded and I went to go lay with Stacy. I opened the door to see her shaking with the covers over her. "Calm down Stacy, I'm here, nothing's gonna get ya." I said laying down and pulling her close to me. "I swear theres someone out there!" She said pointing to the window. "No there isn't, its ok. Its just your imagination, even if there was I would never let them hurt you." I said rubbing her back. "I love you so much Graser." She said snuggling her face in my chest. "I love you too." I said wrapping my arms around her and we soon fell asleep.

That was a shorter chap, still 1500 words tho! hope you enjoyed, see you next chap! <3

#Gracy // stacyplays & Graser10 FF (COMPLETED) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora