Chapter 55 : A Date?

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy!

Stacy's POV

One month later...

It's the beginning of October and the cold Canadian weather has returned, I already miss Summer. Will's family is still visiting, they've definitely bonded a lot more, it makes me so happy seeing Will enjoying time with his own family. Right now, I'm just waking up from a nap because Gracy is crying, Nature never really cry's, he will sometimes though. I got up and dealt with Gracy, I then made myself some coffee and went to look for everyone with Gracy in my arms. They weren't in the house, even Everest and Diesel weren't inside. I then went outside to see Graser, Will, and Will's mom playing soccer in the field while Will's dad was watching. Will's mom was doing the best because she's a soccer coach and she's played for 30 years apparently, at least that's what Will told me. Everest and Diesel were chasing each other and play fighting, until Diesel saw a rabbit and went after it. "Diesel, no!" I yelled, he stopped and ran back to me, that's when everyone finally noticed I was outside. "Good afternoon!" Said Graser running over to me and kissing my cheek, he then took Gracy from me and started spinning around with her, she giggled. "Do you know what I was thinking of doing today?" Graser asked when he stopped messing with Gracy, I shook my head. "Will thought that we haven't been interacting like couples should, he wants to watch the munchkins while me and you have a little uh, kinda like a date!" He said excitedly. "We're already married, Graser." I replied giggling, he laughed. "I know, but you know what I mean! We could go out to eat, go shopping, whatever you want to do!" He said, I nodded before heading over to watch Will and his mom play soccer, soon I heard a loud 'snap' as Will ran past me. "Ow!" He yelled as he fell to the ground and laid on his back. "What did you just do?" I asked chuckling as I walked over to him. "This isn't funny, this freaking hurts." He said, I felt bad for laughing. "What hurts?" His mom asked. "My leg, I think I pulled a muscle or something." He answered. "I told you to warm up and stretch first, stupid." His mom replied. "Do we need an ambulance?" Graser asked. "No, he just needs a few brain cells and some rest." His mom answered, we all laughed. We brought Will inside before me and Graser got dressed and ready to go do... something together, we still don't know what we wanna do. "Have fun, while I sit here with ice on my leg." Said Will as we opened the front door. "Don't blame them, it was your fault, ya moron." Said his mom, me and Graser chuckled. "I never said it was their fault!" He replied, me and Graser closed the door before laughing at them. It's funny because they're not actually fighting, they just like to argue about random things, like the other day for instance, Will and his mom were arguing about how to correctly pronounce 'jalapeño,' it was quite comical. Me and Graser got in our car before looking at each other and laughing after an awkward silence. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked laughing. "We never made up our minds on what to do! Where are we going? What are we doing?" He asked, also laughing. "I don't know!" I answered. "How about the... Ooh! There's a movie theatre at the mall, we could go shopping and watch a movie!" He exclaimed, I nodded. We then backed out of our driveway and headed to the mall.

At the mall...

We went in the mall and began looking around, we didn't really find anything of interest, we were just mindlessly walking around and talking. Soon I noticed a huge family wearing mine and Graser's merch. "Uh oh, we've got fans, be prepared." I said, he chuckled. Graser went to go use the bathroom, so I was on my own. "STACY!!!" The family yelled, I was soon surrounded by little ones, it warmed my heart. "Hi guys!" I said as I hugged them, they were 6 siblings. "Where's Graser?" They asked. "He'll be back in a little bit!" I answered as I saw him sneaking up behind them. "Hey guys!" He said, they turned around and all started hugging him, we smiled at each other. "They do nothing but sleep and watch your videos." Said their mom, me and Graser laughed. After a little chat with our fans, we continued mindlessly wondering around. "To be honest, I don't really feel like shopping." I said. "Me neither. How about we go to the park or something?" Graser asked, I nodded. We went back to the car before heading to the local park with lots of trails through the woods, a playground, and a few piers to sit on above the river. "Tag!" Said Graser as he tagged me, I chased him into the park and tagged him back. We continued playing tag for awhile, eventually we laid down in the grass, looking up at the sky and holding hands. "I love you, robot." I said as I laid my head on his chest. "I love you too, Stace." He replied, we smiled at each other. I then started thinking hard about the news I received about a month ago, I'll never be able to have kids again. I said that I was ok with that, but now that I think about it, I don't know. It's probably for the best because I'm getting older, I'm currently 34, it'll get harder and harder for me to even give birth the older I get. But I just don't know, I really kind of want another baby with Graser. "Grase?" I asked, he looked at me. "Do you think that our family is complete?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Is it forever going to be me, you, Gracy, Will, and Nature? Or are we not done having kids?" I asked. "Stacy, I don't get you sometimes. You can't have babies anymore anyway. If you're asking if I'd want another baby, than yeah, we could be the next '19 Kids and Counting' if you wanted to, but you can't anymore." He answered, that's when the thought of never having another baby really hit me. I started tearing up and crying. "Shh, it's ok. Actually, I'm pretty sure that there's a surgery to fix your issue... that's if you wanna do it." He said. "There is?" I asked, he nodded. "Let's relax a little more and then we can go home and do some research, ok?" He asked, I nodded. We continued relaxing in the grass, eventually we got up and started walking around a little. We sat at the edge of a pier, looking at the rushing water, I most definitely didn't want to fall in it after what happened to poor Will. Me and Graser sat and talked while watching the water.

Gonna do my lazy convo style...

G. Graser

S. Stacy

S. I can't believe Will almost died, all because Everest fell in this river.

G. Stacy, I can't believe most of the things that have happened in the past three years. First you became my girlfriend at VidCon of 2015, then somehow I got you pregnant even though I didn't put my 'junk' anywhere, I moved in with you, we had our babies in February of 2016, then you visited my house where I proposed, bought Maggie and Pogonip, and you literally died and came back to life, you were somehow pregnant again, then Will moved in during March, April, something like that. Then we had baby Gracy, then we were almost killed again by your ex boyfriend, then we 'did it,' then you and Will also 'did it' for who knows what reason, then a few months later, you almost died again from drowning in the creek after trying to rescue a wolf, then you had baby Nature and baby Zach, plus a lot of other things happened.

S. Yeah, our lives have been rather hectic, yet the greatest. I'm forever thankful for the day I first talked to you, that first conversation led me to have the greatest life anyone could ask for. It might've been filled with sorrow and tragic events, but the great moments such as the births of our babies can easily cancel out the bad moments.

G. You've got that right. I love you, Stacy. *Puts his arm around her*

S. I love you too, Graser.

G. You still don't call me Zach?

S. Nope, I prefer Graser.

G. Fine, ready to go home and make sure that Will didn't break his leg again?

S. *Nods*

We walked back to the car and drove home, everyone was asleep on the couch. Me and Graser decided to head to our own bed for once, we usually fall asleep on the couch. We got our pjs on and climbed in bed before exchanging 'goodnight's' and falling asleep.

Not a very interesting chap, only 1500 words, sorry guys. I'm working on another short story tho! Anyway, hope you enjoyed, see you next chap!

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