Chapter 42 : Graser Got Arrested

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Hello friends! I'm really friggin tired and I'm forcing myself to write so I don't think this'll be the greatest chap, enjoy.

Will's POV

Two months later...

(February 26th, 2017)

Life is good. That's what repeats in my mind at least 30 times a day. However Valentine's Day about a week ago was ruff, it was exactly a year since Stacy gave birth to Angel and Lyra. Graser and Stacy pretty much curled up on the couch together and cried all day, I don't blame them, I shedded a few tears myself. To avoid more tears and change the subject, right now it's 8:30pm and I'm recording and playing a parkour map with Parker. "Ah dang it, I fell off again!" Said Parker, I chuckled. I was soon interrupted by Stacy who looked worried. "What's up?" I mouthed. "Are you recording?" She whispered, I nodded. "Oh ok, it can wait." She said closing the door quietly. I played with Parker for a little while before finishing my recording and seeing what Stacy wanted. I hoped it wasn't serious cause Graser is currently in court for a speeding ticket he got, I told him to slow down but considering it's Graser, he didn't listen. "What's up?" I asked walking into the living room. "Oh um, is this normal?" She asked lifting up her shirt, she had a stripe down her belly. "Yep, just one of those random and weird pregnancy things." I answered. "Just like how I'm desperate for some chocolate right now?" She asked. "I have some if you want it." I said chuckling. "That would be much appreciated." She replied, I gave her the chocolate and continued doing chores while my video is uploading, I decided to upload a raw video for the fun of it. I was gathering everyone's laundry from our bedrooms when I went in Graser and Stacy's room, Stacy's phone had a million messages. I wasn't trying to snoop but I also wanted to make sure it's not Graser, it wasn't, it was, Nathan?! These messages don't look like friendly messages either, since when does Stacy and Nathan have beef with each other?! "Yo Stacy..." I called. "What?" She asked coming in the room. "I wasn't looking but here." I said handing her the phone. "What the?" She asked confused. "Whats it say?" I asked taking a peek at the phone, the messages read... 'Why on earth Stacy?! Why would you choose Graser?! What does he have that I don't?! He's so stupid and ugly, what's wrong with you?!' "Wow." I said as I read it. "William, I don't understand, this can't be Nathan!" Said Stacy with tears in her eyes. "Maybe it's not, but who else would it be?" I asked. "I don't know! But why do they hate poor Graser so much?!" She asked crying. "Who knows, but don't worry about it." I said as she got another message, it read... 'Ok fine, don't respond. But I'll be there to, remove, Graser from the picture, William too! Then I can f*ck with you all I want. I know where you live, with your cute little horsies and, puppies and, kitty cats and all that stuff, I can't wait to meet them!' Well isn't that lovely. "No no no! Who are they?! What do they want?!" Asked Stacy starting to freak out. "Chill chill chill, it's ok! They're not gonna hurt you no matter who they are, they'll have to get through me and Graser first." I said hugging her. "Wait, where is Graser?! He's been gone awhile!" She said, just as she did, she got a call. Conveniently, it was Graser.

In phone call...

G. Graser

S. Stacy

S. Hey! Where are you?! You've been gone forever!

G. Um, I uh, I got a tad angry at the uh, the judge and uh, I'm gonna, I'm gonna be spending the night here, I'm sorry Stace.


G. Yeah, I done f*cked up. Oh sorry, I mean, I done messed up.

S. It's ok, I guess. But have you been arrested or what? How are you talking to me if you were?!

G. Handcuffs were used unfortunately, and I'm in the interrogation room, they let me use my cell to tell you what happened.

S. Oh my goodness Graser, I don't even really wanna know what exactly you did. How long are you staying there?

G. Like, two, maybe three nights.

S. Oh gosh, I don't even care, you certainly don't seem to care therefore I don't give a crap about it.

G. Yeah, neither do I. I'll be fine, I'm really sorry Stacy, I don't know how you put up with me.

S. To be honest, I don't either, but I still love you robot.

G. Thanks Stace.

S. I do want to know, did you get physical with anyone or...

G. No! I did say some pretty not nice things though...

S. Ok, that's better than you beating someone up, you can say some pretty nasty things though so I don't know.

G. That I did and that I regret.

S. Oh Graser, have fun in jail, can't wait to see your mug shot.

G. Hehe, I'll try to be funny in it.

S. Don't cause then you'll look proud of what you did, hopefully you're not actually proud of it.

G. I most definitely am not, I feel very very terrible.

S. You should. And Gracy just woke up from her nap so...

G. Hopefully Gracy or any future kids of ours don't get my trait that has the ability to rage easily.

S. Hopefully not, or we might have to put them back where they came from, actually, that sounded wrong, let's not do that.

G. *Laughing* Oh Stacy, I love you.

S. Forget I ever said that, I'm gonna go. I love you, ya pain in the butt robot!

G. I love you too, bye!

S. Bye.

End phone call...

Well then. Graser has been arrested, and we have a possible murderer after us, great. "Ok then, I figured it was a matter of time before Graser went barking up the wrong tree." Said Stacy putting her phone down and getting Gracy out of her crib. "Yeah, I should get him the same book I got for my grandfather as a kid, it was called 'Anger Management for Dummies.'" I said, Stacy chuckled. "Hopefully you don't get Graser's stupidity little one!" She said looking at Gracy and laying on the bed. "I have a feeling she'll be smart like you." I said. "What do you think our new baby will be like?" She asked. "Probably smart like you and a tad stupid like me!" I replied. "Let's hope they're only smart like me." She said, I chuckled, I think she forgot about those texts, hopefully she continues to forget about them. "Oh no, I forgot about those messages, and Graser won't be here!" She said, dang it. "Look, don't think about it anymore, you'll be fine as long as I'm around." I said sitting with her. "Thanks Will but I still can't help but be a little afraid, especially after Amanda." She said laying her head on my lap. "I understand, but I promise I'll protect you, I'd run through fire to protect you." I said rubbing her back, she smiled at me. "Can we have a little movie night in here?" She asked. "Sure, I'll get some popcorn while you get your pjs on!" I said getting up, I made some popcorn and returned to the bedroom where Stacy and Gracy had their pjs on laying on the bed. "There you go, now I'll get my pjs on." I said, Stacy nodded. I put my comfortable clothes on and joined Stacy in watching a few movies, once we called it a night, I figured Stacy will want me to stay with her. "I'm assuming you want me to stay?" I asked starting to get up. "I would like that." She answered. I put Gracy in her crib and got in bed with Stacy, she snuggled up next to me and we soon went to sleep thinking about happy thoughts.

Sorry it was so short, I'm tired and want to go to bed. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, see you next chap.

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