Chapter 92 : Motherhood Struggles

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy!

Stacy's POV

Three months later... (December 18th, 2019)

Life has been... ok. Why just 'ok?' Because we have two problems. Graser finally did himself in by trying to carry a 40 pound bag of feed to the horses so now his back is completely out, and my ex is still on the loose. Those two things might not sound THAT serious, but to me, it's a horrible thing waiting to happen. I fear that if those two problems face each other, I might be a single mom. If my ex comes back, Graser is gonna go for him. He'll probably get himself shot and killed since he cannot fight with a basically broken back, so he'll probably get himself into another gun battle. He's dodged bullets many times, and he's only got so much luck, I'm not sure he can keep getting into gun fights like that. It's a matter of time before he gets shot in just the right place, then he's done. Him and his horses actually. He's been training Digs and Dee to be like Maggie. Digs reminds me of the dinosaur hybrid from Jurassic World, he could probably be used for war with how he listens, his strength, his speed, and how stealth he is. Graser's been training him and Dee in French since in this part of Canada, everyone mostly speaks English, so training animals in a different language can help by making them only understand you so not just anyone can control them. Anyway, I'm not home right now, I'm shopping for Christmas. I'm currently in the mall, and I ain't happy, it's like freaking Black Friday. I have ideas for what to get everyone, including my parents who are coming here tonight. Will's parents couldn't come for whatever reason, but they're gonna video chat with us on Christmas. The easiest yet best gift idea is for Gracy, I'm just gonna buy her 10000 Star Coins for her Star Stable world and a few toys and things, but hopefully the first gift will keep her from asking me for Star Coins every single week for awhile. She's getting smart about asking for them as well, like for instance... I took her grocery shopping awhile ago and she wanted a $40 horse toy. I was gonna buy it for her, but she said 'never mind, mommy. Let's go!' So we continued on, and when we were home, she came to me, asking for 1000 Star Coins to buy a horse which costed $29. And when I said 'ok, fine,' as she walked away, she came back with 'I let you off on the horsie toy so yeah.' I put my hands on my hips and shook my head like 'no she did not just play me like that.' She's way too smart for a 3-year-old. Anyway, that's her main gift, Nature is also gonna get lots of toys, Graser is getting stuff for his horses since he told me not to buy stuff for him, Will is getting... whatever, and our parents are just getting some random little things. I continued going from store to store in the mall, trying not to rage at people bumping into me. Once I thought I had enough things, I headed home, the best part of my life is being greeted by my kids, pets, and just my adorable family. Yes, motherhood is rage inducing, frustrating, and chaotic, but it's worth it. I left the gifts in the car for right now, I'd bring them in later tonight while the munchkins are asleep so the surprises aren't spoiled. I went up to the door and unlocked it, when I walked in, my mood went down hill. There were toys everywhere, the dogs and cats were running circles around the house, knocking tables and chairs over and even Marley was literally in the Christmas tree, and then there's Gracy and Nature. They were outback, with Lyra, Angel, Zach, and Sailor, and they were straight up going for a swim in a mud puddle. I immediately wanted to kill someone for three reasons. One, my house is a wreck and my parents are gonna be here in two hours. Two, Gracy and Nature now need serious baths. And three, where are their dads?! "Graser?! Will?! Get out here right now." I said, soon came Will with a confused expression. "Why?!" I asked as I looked around and pointed to all the messes, his eyes widened. "I have no idea. I was recording a video cause Graser was in charge of everything else." He said. "Well where is the dummy?" I asked, annoyed. Will shrugged his shoulders. I went outside to go stop the rug rats, but I decided to make the best of it and grabbed my vlogging camera and started recording as I headed outside. "Guys! Absolutely not!" I yelled as I went over to them, they knew they were in trouble. They quickly got up and ran over to me, Nature wanted me to pick him up. "No no no, please do not touch me." I said as I backed up. "This is what Stacy's life looks like behind the scenes, guys." I said as I turned my camera around to face me, my facial expression was a perfect combination of annoyance and a tad bit of joy, it was honestly like 'I already have enough problems, I've cheated death, I just need to make the best of situations like this.' I continued vlogging as I sorted out this mess. I made Gracy and Nature sit on the back porch while I put my other children in the bodies of horses back out front with the real horses. I feel very bad that they have to live like horses, but I just remind myself, technically they ARE horses. After putting them back in their pasture, I went back to the little rug rats. I literally brought them in the house, and used the freaking detachable shower head that we use on the dogs to wash them. After that mess, I made them sit with Will while I went to go give Mr. Graser a piece of my mind. I wasn't really mad at the situation in general, I was mad at Graser for leaving the kids by themselves cause that could've been very bad. I went outside and to the barn, I assumed he's probably messing with the horses or messing with the horses' outfits since we have a tack room now, he's probably organizing. Yes, his back is hurting him, but only if he does certain things. And he's been saying that his back doesn't hurt him anymore and when it does hurt, it apparently hurts him between his shoulder blades. But he says he's only felt pain there once, and I know this is serious because he's been saying that whatever is wrong with his back is majorly effecting his arms. He can't use his right arm anymore, like.. at all. Luckily he's left-handed, but it's still a problem. He says that his arm goes completely numb sometimes, but mostly it's just causing him pain no matter what he does. He hurt himself this morning just by picking up his phone, that's how bad it is. Believe me, I've been trying to get him to a hospital, but he just refuses. "Graser? Where are you?" I asked as I went in the tack room. Sure enough, he was putting name tags above the bridle racks so we remember who's bridle is who's. "What's up?" He asked. "Well, Graser. Your daughter and her brother decided to go for a swim in the mud." I said, he laughed. "It's not funny! And the house is a mess and my parents are gonna be here in two hours!" I yelled. "Ok ok, I don't know what you want me to do anyway, I can't use my freaking arm and it's very frustrating." He said. "Yeah, because you need to go to a hospital." "I do not wanna be stuck in the emergency room for six hours just to be told 'well there's a problem, but we don't know what the problem is so go somewhere else.'" He replied, rolling his eyes. "Ok, I understand that. But would you rather take a few hours out of your day to possibly save yourself from ending up like me a few months ago or let yourself end up like me a few months ago?" I asked, he shrugged his shoulders. "I mean..." "'I mean' nothing, you need to stop tryna be tough and go get yourself checked out before you have irreversible nerve damage or something." I said. "I will go when I feel like it, missy." He replied as he came over to me. Then he kissed my cheek and walked past me, I rolled my eyes before following him back to the house. We both tried to clean up a little and we eventually made dinner, my parents arrived shortly after. I happily opened the front door and ran outside as they pulled in the driveway, I haven't seen them since last Christmas. They quickly got out of their car and hugged me, I really do hate that they live so far away. "I missed you guys so much! Why do you live so far away?!" "I'm not sure because we hate it too, sweetie." My mom replied. We finally broke the hug and I helped them get all their stuff out the car and brought it inside. "Where is everyone?" My mom asked. "Gracy is probably playing her game, Nature is probably watching her, Will is who knows where, and Graser is... somewhere." I said, they laughed. I went to go look for everyone, I ended up finding everyone outside for who knows what reason. It was very cute seeing my kids run to my parents and hug them. "Stacy, I really have never seen a cuter family." My mom said, I smiled. "It wasn't easy to have a family of my own, but I did it." I replied, then she hugged me again. "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart." She said. "Thanks, mom." I replied. Then we all went back inside and put the presents under the tree, I caught Gracy trying to open some many times. We're currently sitting on the couch, just chatting about what's been going on in our lives. "Gracy, no." I said as I saw her again, trying to peek. She got up and went to play with Everest and his tennis ball. "She's too cute to get mad at." Said my dad. "She's a handful though, let me tell you." I said, Graser and Will nodded while my parents chuckled.

#Gracy // stacyplays & Graser10 FF (COMPLETED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora