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Choi Seung-hyun felt his whole body tremble. He brushed off the nurse's hand who was trying to clean the open gashed wound on his forehead.

The female doctor that came looked eerily calm at the sight of him.

Lee Ha Eun. The name tag that was hung around her shoulder read. He was right. It was her.

"How is he?" She asked the nurse, pretending not to see him.

The nurse let out a heavy sigh, "He refused to let me clean his wound. Doctor Hyo Min said that he might need a few stitches. It looks quite deep."

She leaned over, closer to his face.

The last time she was this close, when she was asleep next to him. That was few years ago but her skin still looked as smooth as before. Soft to touch.

He remembered how his fingers used to trail on her cheeks, down to her neck.
With her this close, he inhaled the sweet scent of her.

"I don't think he needs any stitches," Ha Eun said,"Any other injuries?"

"None so far. He came in bleeding that's all," said the nurse.

"Yes!" Seung-hyun said quickly,"My chest hurts."

She stared at him. She silently instructed the nurse to step aside for awhile.

As she pressed the cold metal of her stethoscope on his care chest, Ha Eun's concentration listening to his breathing and heartbeat.

Seung-hyun's heartbeat was steadily fast the moment he saw her and he was pretty sure that she knew about it too.

"Where does it hurt?" She asked.

Pointing directly to his heart, he said, "Here."

"When did it start hurting? Was it after the accident or before the accident?" She touched the part with her gloved fingers, pressing it slightly, "Does it hurt terribly when i pressed it like this?"

"Yes. It hurts so bad after you left," Seung-hyun said and that was it.

Ha Eun looked irritated and angry. The nurse looked confused. She turned towards the nurse, and said, "He's fine. Clean up his wound and make sure he leaves. There are others who need this bed more than he does."

Ha Eun stormed off to the other side of the emergency room.

Seung-hyun let the nurse resumed cleaning his wound.

He wasn't expecting that to happen. He never thought that he was going to meet her again after all these years. Lee Ha Eun was his first love, after all.

All the memories they had together came flooding in like a tidal wave, and he wasn't sure how he felt at the moment.

Was he happy? Or it was hate that made him trembled?

Although hate was a strong word to describe it but after breaking up with her, Seung-hyun never felt quite the same.

About half an hour later, he was already done. Seung-hyun was getting ready to leave when his friend came in, looking for him.

"Are you okay?" Kwon Ji Yong asked frantically,"Looks bad. I told you not to get into trouble!"

"Well, trouble usually finds me," Seung-hyun replied.

"Can you drive?" He asked again, "I'll drive for you if you want."

"It's okay," he said reassuringly, "I'm okay. Just make sure the rest doesn't get into trouble."


Ji Young stopped in mid sentence and Seung-hyun knew what had made him stopped.

Both of them spotted Ha Eun treating a patient who seemed to have broken his arm. She was good at pretending not to have seen them.

Grabbing Ji Yong by the arm, Seung-hyun dragged him outside.

"Was that Lee Ha Eun?" He finally asked.

Seung-hyun sighed, "Yes."

"Wow. Did she saw you?"

Seung-hyun stared at the prescription which was given by the nurse earlier on and said, "Apparently, yes. She was to one who checked up on me."

Dr. Lee Ha Eun was written at the bottom of the package.


"Seems like she wasn't not affected that much," he said, rather sadly, "I think i was the only one."

"Of course she doesn't feel a thing! She was the one who left you in the first place," Ji Yong said angrily.

"I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" Seung-hyun said quickly, changing the topic. Perhaps the painkiller that they gave him was beginning to wear off, he was starting to start feeling giddy and somehow restless.

He went straight to his car and sped off into the night, desperate to get back home as soon as possible.

The 10 minutes journey back home felt longer than usual and by the time he reached home, he slammed the front door shut.

Seung-hyun felt his weak knees were giving away, stumbling forward, his lamp fell and shattered.

Choi Seung-hyun broke down into tears and it wasn't because of the sharp pain on the side of his forehead but the pain was coming from his chest.

He thought that he was over her but when he saw her again just now, Seung-hyun was overwhelmed with sadness.

He was never over her. He had never forgotten her.
Choi Seung-hyun hated her, and still does. He hated her now, on how she looked undisturbed when she finally met him. He hated her how calm she was when she was up close to him.

Seung-hyun curled up like a child on the cold hardwood floor, crying.

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