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Woo Sung asked her.

Shaking her head, Ha Eun gazed outside the window. It was beautiful morning that day. The nurse and the doctor came in to do their usual round. Before the doctor asked, Ha Eun said, "Is it okay for me to go out?"

"Sure, perhaps after this," The doctor said, "Can you walk?"

"I'll get the wheelchair," Woo Sung said quickly before Ha Eun could say yes.

The idea of her going outside in this cold weather made Woo Sung feeling grumpy the entire morning.

But Ha Eun needed some fresh air, and some time to shake off what happened yesterday.

"You're not going to leave me are you?" She remembered asking Seung-hyun that question.

And she also remembered how his face changed.

She didn't gave him the chance to answer, nor the chance to explain himself. Ha Eun pushed him away, snapped at him and eventually, asking him to leave and never come back.

"I think by next week you can go home, depending on the test results" the doctor said to her, "It's have been 3 weeks, right?"

"Yes," Ha Eun replied.

"But you still need to continue your treatment at least once a week for the next few months, depending on how it goes," the doctor explained again, "Try not to go back to work until I said so."

Ha Eun's groaned inaudibly.

"I'll write an official letter," the doctor smiled sweetly, "Besides, i don't think my senior is going to ignore me."

Ha Eun smiled, "Thanks. I don't think I'm ready to go back to work. Not until I can grip properly."

"Still feeling weak?" The doctor came to her, "Hmm. How's your appetite?"

"Still not good," Ha Eun replied, taking deep breaths as the doctor listened to her lungs.

"I think I'll prescribe you some multivitamins and try to eat smaller portion but frequent.," The doctor explained, "I'll explain to your partner later on."

Woo Sung came back in, with a wheelchair but he headed back out as the doctor told him that she wanted to speak to him.

Ha Eun wrapped her scarf around her head, since her hair loss where at odd places and it was making her bald only at the back of her head.
As she put on the knitted gloves, the red colour reminded her of Seung-hyun.

"Ready?" Woo Sung asked as soon as he went back in, "Can you walk?"

He pushed the wheelchair closer to her bed as he hung the iv drip onto the ic pole.

Perhaps she was trembling, Woo Sung hurriedly held her by the arm, keeping her steady as she got off from the bed before settling down onto the wheelchair.

"Hang on," Woo Sung said as he reached out for his bag, taking out medium sized knitted blanket and placed it carefully on her lap.

Bending over, he helped her putting on her socks and sandal but he stopped momentarily, staring at her feet.

"What?" Ha Eun asked, and she too looked down at her feet, "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing," Woo Sung replied, smiling sweetly, "Lets go."

Woo Sung pushed the wheelchair and steered it smoothly along the corridor. Passing by nurses who were working, going in and out the patients' room with files and trays of medication.

After making a few turns, they had finally reached the back door and as soon as they stepped outside, Ha Eun drew deep breaths for a few times, inhaling the scent of cold crisp fresh air that she had longed for.

As Woo Sung pushed and steered her along the pavement, entering the hospital back garden, Ha Eun couldn't help herself but to stretch her arms out, enjoying the the soft gush of cold wind brushed against her skin.

"I'll bring you out more often after this," Woo Sung said to her and Ha Eun could sense that he was smiling behind her.

"Just for today. I just want to be outside and wait for the snow to fall," Ha Eun said.


"Why do you think I want to go out today?"

Woo Sung groaned and sighed heavily, "You are not properly dressed for snowy days. Good heavens, Ha Eun!"

He wanted to make a U-turn and head back inside but Ha Eun stopped him, "Please. Don't go back just yet."

"It's too cold, miss," He replied grumpily.

"I'll wait for you over there," Ha Eun pointed at the bench nearby.


"So, you run back upstairs to get your coat," Ha Eun said rather sweetly, "Okay? I'll be fine. It won't be long."

Woo Sung once again sighed heavily, "And what if it starts snowing the moment I step inside?"

"It won't. Trust me," She replied convincingly, "It'll start snowing the moment you come back."

Woo Sung looked worried. The idea of leaving her behind, on a wheelchair, alone in the hospital back garden was worrying.

"Go go!" Ha Eun assured him and so, he parked her by the bench that she had pointed and left. Darting back inside as quickly as he could to get another thicker coat for her.

Ha Eun closed her eyes, lifted her head up and enjoy the cold winter wind.

It was indeed a beautiful morning to be outside and she had completely forgotten all about Seung-hyun and what had happened yesterday, but it was only for a brief moment.

With her eyes still closed, Ha Eun noticed a familiar scent. A soft but musky smell that had made her feel warm throughout. The sound of snow crunching been stepped on was heard and Ha Eun opened her eyes.

Choi Seung-hyun was kneeling down in front of her, as he took off his coat and wore it on her shoulder.

"Why are you here?" Ha Eun asked him.

"The news said it's going to snow soon," Seung-hyun said to her, completely ignoring her,"You better get back inside."

"I thought I told you to leave and never come back," Ha Eun said to him, starting to feel angry.

And again, he ignored her.

"Leave now," Ha Eun said, but this time, she was completely dejected, "Leave, otherwise you'll have to stay. I won't be able to let you go if you don't leave now."


"Leave!" Ha Eun pushed him away, making Seung-hyun stumbled backwards, "Don't you get it? Please! Leave. This is your chance to leave. I won't be able to let you go if you don't leave now. So, please, leave!"

Seung-hyun back to his feet, knelt down in front of her, and as he cupped her face, his warm hands made her cold cheeks felt warm and her head went fuzzy.

"What if I don't want to leave?" Seung-hyun asked.

"Then, stay," Ha Eun replied, "Stay with me."

Choi Seung-hyun bent over and kissed her.

As soon as their lips touched, it began to snow.

Ha Eun felt relieved but only momentarily, she had a hunch that Choi Seung-hyun was hiding something from her.

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