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Her stomach grumbled. Ha Eun changed into her clothes once more before getting ready to leave.

Seung-hyun most probably had left when she was having her chemotherapy earlier on. Thanking the nurse and her doctor, she headed towards the elevator and to her surprise, Seung-hyun was still there in the waiting area. Arms folded across his chest, legs crossed and he was, apparently sleeping. His head were leaned back against the wall behind him.

"He felt asleep while waiting for you," the nurse told her in a hush manner.

Ha Eun sighed heavily, tapped Seung-hyun's shoulder to wake him up.

He startled, jerked awake and groggily, "Are we done?"

"You should've gone home, why did you stay?" Ha Eun asked him, watching him yawned and stretching.

"Thought you might need me," he replied, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," Ha Eun said quickly, "You should go home now."

Seung-hyun wasn't listening, instead he checked his phone before putting it in his pocket, "I'm going to get something. Want to tag along?"


"It's for Hee Soo," he said, taking her by the hand and they left without saying another word.

The traffic was heavy that evening as it was rush hour. Seung-hyun drove as careful as he could, while Ha Eun stared outside the window, watched the sun setting in the horizon as they were on the top of the bridge heading to downtown.

"Are you cold?" Seung-hyun asked her, placing the back of his hand on her cheek, checking her temperature. He turned on the heater and silence fell between them once more.

"Where are we heading to?" Ha Eun asked as Seung-hyun made a left turn, and downtown was only a few blocks away.

"Seungri's place," he replied, "I need to eat. You need to eat."

"His place?" Ha Eun asked again, slightly confused, "We're going to eat at his house?"

"No," he replied, "Just hang in there. You'll love it."

Honest to be told, Ha Eun was feeling slightly excited to see what kind of place Seungri had and in her imagination, it must be a nice cozy and expensive restaurant.

And she was right, Seung-hyun stopped in front of a posh looking looking building and the valet opened her side of the door before Seung-hyun took her by the hand once again. They entered and the manager greeted them.

"Is Seungri around?" Seung-hyun asked the manager.

He nodded and showed them their way to his office on the third floor. Courteously, Seung-hyun knocked on the door.

"Funnily, I remembered you banging on my front door some nights ago," Ha Eun said, amused.

Seung-hyun scoffed, "You won't open the door if i were to do the same."

They both entered as soon as Seungri instructed them to come in and he was surprised to see the both of them.

"Busy?" Seung-hyun asked, settling down on the couch, making himself comfortable.

"Not really," Seungri replied, "Ha Eun, how are you?"

"I'm good," she replied awkwardly. Ha Eun was never close to any of Seung-hyun's friends, even when they were together back years back.
They just exchanged casual greetings and that was it. It was never more than that. Ha Eun knew they hated her for leaving him and she doesn't blame them for doing so either. Best friends got each others back no matter what.

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