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"Do you like it?" Seung-hyun asked.

Hee Soo beamed, "I like it very much."

"I'm glad that you do," he replied, "Why don't you have a rest first. I'll be in the room next door if you need me. Alright?"

Hee Soo nodded, without looking at him as he looked around the room, eager to try out which book he wants to read first.

Leaving the door open, Seung-hyun went to the room across of Hee Soo's and Jung Hye was busy unpacking her luggage.

"I hope you're comfortable," he said, "It's not much but this is the least I can do to help."

"It's more than enough, thank you," Jung Hye replied.

It was still awkward between them, but Jung Hye tried to make things casual whenever they meet.

"I did some groceries shopping, should've ask you first what Hee Soo's favourite food," Seung-hyun said.

"It's okay, Seung-hyun," she assured him, "I'll manage the rest."

"Right," he ruffled his hair, feeling slightly frustrated, mostly at his own behaviour, "I'll be at Hee Soo's room. Holler if you need anything."

Seung-hyun left and rejoined Hee Soo, who was already in bed, with several books been spread out all over his bed.

"How did you know I love books?" Hee Soo asked, still beaming.

Seung-hyun shrugged, "Your mother loves books the last time I remember."

He sat next to him on bed, propping the pillow a little bit higher and let Hee Soo rest against his chest.

Seung-hyun watched as his son read, and he noticed that he seemed to be much better although his hair were beginning to fall.

He didn't know how long he had stayed in bed with Hee Soo. Not until a gentle pat on his shoulder, waking him up.

Startled, it was Jung Hye. She looked well rested and her hair was still damp.

"What time is it?" Seung-hyun whispered, rubbing his eyes. He gently settled Hee Soo down before slowly getting out of bed, fearing that he might wake him up.

"Half past 9," Jung Hye replied, whispering.

"Damn," Seung-hyun yawned, "Have you eaten?"

"I fell asleep as well," she replied, smiling, "I made some dinner."

"Oh, no, you don't have to do that," Seung-hyun said quickly.

"It's okay," Jung Hye said,"Now, move along. I'll meet you downstairs. Hee Soo needs his medication now."

Seung-hyun retreated downstairs and by the time he entered his kitchen, his front door clicked opened. Followed by voices of his friends entering the hallway, and the sound of rustling plastic bags accompanied them.

"You cook?" Young-bae asked when they entered the kitchen, surprised to see dinner had been served on the dining table.


"Fatherhood suits you," Seungri added, nodding in approval.

"Jung Hye is here," Seung-hyun said quickly.

"Eh?" Yong-bae asked, "Ahhh, I see."

"Are they asleep?" Daesung asked, lowering his voice.

"Hee Soo is," he replied, "What you guys got there?"

Ji Young was shaking his head, as he opened the fridge and peered inside. Seungri looked apologetic.

"We assumed that you were alone, so-"

Yong-bae revealed the contents and it turned out to be several cans of beer, some meat and cheese. Daesung too revealed the contents of his plastic bag, and it was 2 bottles of wine.

"Aaa," Seung-hyun said calmly, since it was not unsurprising for his friends to come over, bringing some meat and alcohol.

"We'll leave if you're not okay with it," Daesung said.

Ji Young, who was still by the fridge, munching on something interjected, "Look at his face. You think he'd say no to beer and wine?"

"Oh hai," Jung Hye greeted them as she came down the stairs, "I haven't seen you guys for years."

She greeted them warmly, exchanging hugs and so did they.

"Beer? Wine?" Jung Hye peered inside the content, "I see you still have the thing for wine."

"Where's Hee Soo?" Seung-hyun said quickly, "Still asleep?"

"Yes, he's probably tired," she replied, "You guys go ahead. I'll head back upstairs. Please, have some dinner before you guys leave later on."

Jung Hye bid them goodbye and went back upstairs.

Seung-hyun ushered them to the back garden, and hit up the grill. As they waited for the grill to be hot enough, they sat down at the square table, helping themselves out with several cans of beer.

"How's Hee Soo?" Yong-bae asked, "Is he getting better?"

"Much better," Seung-hyun replied, "At least that's what the doctor said. The bone marrow was perfect for him. I hope he gets well soon."

"So, what are you going to do next?" Seungri asked, out of curiosity.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, now, you got a son living here, together with you. Your ex girlfriend," He said, "What's your next plan?"

Seung-hyun sighed, smacking his lips after taking a long draught of his beer, "Honestly, I haven't thought that far yet. I just want to at least, being able to help out. Plus, Hee Soo, as much as I adore him, he won't be seeing me as his father."

"Jung Hye is married?" Ji Young asked.

"Yes," he replied solemnly, "But her husband passed away last year. Right before Hee Soo was diagnosed with leukemia."

"Wow," Daesung said, "What about Ha Eun?"

"What you mean what about her?"

"You haven't told her anything?" Ji Young asked in disbelief, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Well, I haven't got the chance to explain it to her," Seung-hyun replied, overwhelmed with guilt, "I wanted to tell her but-"

"You should!" Yong-bae said, "She deserves to know. If she finds out from the news, she'll be devastated."

"What if she leaves?" Seung-hyun asked and for the first time, he voiced out his concern about that matter,"I don't want her to leave."

"She won't," Seungri replied reassuringly, "Why would she wants to leave you now that you know the reason why she left in the first place but you still come back to her? She won't. Unless if you make Jung Hye pregnant by accident tonight or maybe tomorrow, only then she'd leave."

Daesung chuckled, Yong-bae sniggered and Ji Young choked on his beer.

"Why do you keep on saying that?" Seung-hyun asked him, in amazement, "I'm a man who take precautionary steps you know."

Seungri scoffed, "Right. And your 10 years old son is asleep upstairs."

Well, he got a point, Seung-hyun thought to himself.

"I won't repeat the same mistake," Seung-hyun said firmly, to himself, "I drew some boundaries and I don't think I'll cross it."

"But you need to tell Ha Eun," Daesung interjected his monologue, "Fast."

The sound of the meat sizzled on the grill took the thought off his mind for awhile. Perhaps tomorrow, he thought to himself.

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