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The 8 year old boy had been eyeing him suspiciously for the last half an hour and Seung-hyun was still processing what Jung Hye had told him last night.

He had lost his precious 8 hour sleep thanks to his mind which wouldn't stop buzzing.

"You know its rude to stare," Seung-hyun said to the boy.

The boy scoffed, and replied, "I think it's rude to come and sit next to my bed without any introduction at all."

Smart mouth, Seung-hyun thought to himself. He couldn't help it but to let out a heavy sigh. How on earth did that happen?

"I didn't know that I was pregnant until i was at the States," Jung Hye's voice echoed in his ear, "I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't."

Seung-hyun yet again, let out a heavy sigh. What was happening to him right now, Seung-hyun though that it only happens in melodrama or movies.

"Ajusshi," said the boy, dragging Seung-hyun's mind back, "Can you please don't sigh? I'm pretty sure your problem isn't as worst as mine."

"What do you-"

Seung-hyun stopped mid sentence. Smart kid with smart mouth. He was only 8 years old, after all. He couldn't help it but to let out  a heavy sigh once again. That boy looked annoyed.

"Where's my mom?" He asked.

"I think she went off somewhere," Seung-hyun replied, "She'll back soon."

"Are you my mom's friend?" He asked.

"Yes. She was my course mate back during our university days," Seung-hyun replied, "Before she moved to the States."

"Oh," that was all the boy said, but rather solemnly.

"Why do you ask?" Seung-hyun asked, "Is there anything you want to know?"

"Nah," the boy replied, fidgeting the side of his blanket, "I just want to know whether you know my dad."

Seung-hyun was speechless. He was torn in between. If that boy really was his, Seung-hyun pretty sure he'd had a hard time telling the boy.

"Hey, I'm your dad," Seung-hyun thought to himself, even in his mind, it sounded stupid.

Right at that moment, Jung Hye came in, accompanied with a doctor and a nurse.

The nurse hurried over to the left side of the bed and reassuring the boy that it only hurt a bit. The boy looked terrified and Seung-hyun switched places with Jung Hye.

Standing at the end of the bed, Seung-hyun watched Jung Hye calming her son, whispering in his ears softly.

"You're a strong boy," she whispered and Seung-hyun heard her.

The doctor was explaining to Seung-hyun what stepped would be taken in order to identify him as a suitable stem cell donor but Seung-hyun was only half listening. He watched the little boy winced and cried a little when the nurse pierced his small arm with a needle.

Two tubes of blood was taken and that was it. He felt a weird emotion in chest when he saw the boy's teary eyes. Hurriedly, he followed the doctor out and they both went straight to his office.

The doctor was explaining to him every detailed and what were the treatments for the boy. Seung-hyun listened attentively.

"He's only 8," Seung-hyun mumbled to himself once his blood was taken for compatibility test.

"Well, not all kids are healthy," the nurse replied solemnly, "For now, he needs both of his parents to be with him."

Seung-hyun sighed heavily, rolling down his sleeves, "Yeah."

"The results will be out in three weeks or so," the nurse explained.

Seung-hyun thanked the nurse and left. His feet had a mind on their own, as he walked along the corridor but completely unaware where he was heading.

Seung-hyun's mind was fully occupied with what he had just saw earlier on. Kim Hee Soo. He was only 8 years old, with a smart mouth who wasn't afraid to.give snarky replies. Seung-hyun chuckled at his resemblance with Jung Hye.

"Is he really your son?" Asked a small voice at the back of his brain and that made Seung-hyun got lost in his own thoughts once again.

Logically speaking, there was no absolute reason for Jung Hye to lie to him, not when her little boy was sick. Diagnosed with leukemia.

"Sir?" A nurse asked him.

Seung-hyun snapped out from his deep thoughts, only then he realised he was standing just outside Ha Eun's ward.

"I'm sorry," he said quickly.

"It's okay," said the nurse, "Miss Lee Ha Eun had been administered with medication to help her ease her nausea and vomitting."

"Vomitting?" Seung-hyun asked as he peered to take a look at Ha Eun through the small glass, "Is she okay?"

"She had been responding well to her treatment. Don't worry. Nausea and vomitting is a common side effects from chemotherapy," the nurse explained gently, "But do keep an eye on her and tell us straight away if she's experiencing mild fever."

"Okay, i will," He replied, "Thank you for all your hard work."

Seung-hyun entered, Ha Eun was asleep. Looking extremely tired and diminished. Settling down on the empty seat next to her bed, Seung-hyun grabbed a hold on her hand gently, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb.

"You look terrible," Ha Eun said rather weakly, "Did you even get a wink of sleep last night?"

"Never mind me," he replied, "How are you feeling today?"

"Tired. I can sleep all day," she replied, "But since you're here, I don't think I'll be able to get some sleep."

Seung-hyun chuckled, "I'm sorry."

Ha Eun looked surprised, and she quickly added, "I was only joking. Don't take it seriously."

Again he chuckled, followed by a heavy sigh he let out. He couldn't help it but to see the boy's face in Ha Eun's. Both of them were suffering and Seung-hyun couldn't decide if he had to choose between them.

Kim Hee Soo? Or Lee Ha Eun?

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